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All About the MESSIAH

Since the MESSIANIC Psalms are about the MESSIAH, this is a good place to put this information about the Blessed and Holy MESSIAH, JESUS CHRIST our LORD.

The Pre-Existence of the MESSIAH

The MESSIAH would be eternal  (Psalm 102:25-27;  Col.1:17)     
The MESSIAH would be everlasting   (Pro.8:22-23;  John 17:5)   
The MESSIAH would be the Everlasting FATHER  (Isa.9:6;      Rev.1:8)      
The MESSIAH would be from everlasting (Isa.48:16;     John 1:1-2) 
The MESSIAH would be from everlasting (Mic.5:2; John 8:58)   
The MESSIAH would be from everlasting (Hab.1:12;  Mark 1:24)  

The MESSIAH Would be SON Incarnate

The MESSIAH would be the Creator of all  (Psalm 102:25-27;   John 1:3)     
The MESSIAH would be LORD (Psalm 110:1; Mat.22:41-45)      
The MESSIAH would be holy    (Dan.9:24;   Luke 1:35)  
The MESSIAH would be GOD (Psalm 45:6-7;  Heb.1:8-9)   
The MESSIAH would be GOD      (Isa.7:14;  John 12:45) 
The MESSIAH would be GOD  (Isa.40:3; John 10:30)
The MESSIAH would be GOD   (Jer.23:5-6;       John 13:13) The MESSIAH would be both GOD and Man     (Jer.23:5-6;  1 Tim.3:16) 
The MESSIAH would be both GOD and Man (the Mighty GOD)  m (Isa.9:6;  John 10:30)       
The MESSIAH would be GOD (Zec.11:10-11;   John 14:7) MESSIAH would be GOD   (Zec.11:12-13; John 12:45) 
The MESSIAH would be both GOD and Man     (Zec.12:10; John 10:30) 
The MESSIAH would be both GOD and Man    (Zec.13:7; John 14:9) 

The Genealogy of the MESSIAH          

The MESSIAH would be born of the seed of a woman   (Gen. 3:15;  Luke 1:34-35)      
The MESSIAH would be a descendant of Seth   (Gen.4:25;  Luke 3:23-38)       
The MESSIAH would be a descendant of Shem    (Gen.9:26;   Luke 3:23-36)       
The MESSIAH would be a descendant of Abraham   (Gen.12:3;  Mat.1:1)      
The MESSIAH would be a descendant of Isaac  (Gen. 17:19;  Luke 3:23-34)       
The MESSIAH would be a descendant of Jacob   (Gen.28:14;   Luke 3:23-34)       
The MESSIAH would be a descendant of Judah  (Gen.49:10;   Luke 3:23-33)       
The MESSIAH would be a descendant of Boaz & Ruth    (Ruth 4:12-17;   Luke 3:23-32)       
The MESSIAH would be a descendant of Jesse  (Isa.11:1, 10; Luke 3:23-32)      
The MESSIAH would be a descendant of David (2 Sam.7:12-13, 16; Mat.1:1)      
The MESSIAH would be a descendant of David (Psalm 89:3-4, 29;  Mat.1:1)      
The MESSIAH would be a descendant of David (Psalm 132:11, 17; Mat.1:1)      
The MESSIAH would be a descendant of David (Isa.7:13-14; 9:7;   Mat.1:1)      
The MESSIAH would be a descendant of Zerubbabel  (Hag.2:23;   Luke 3:23-27)     

The Birth & Childhood of the MESSIAH         

The MESSIAH would be born of a virgin (Isa.7:14;   Luke 1:34-35)       
The MESSIAH would be born of a virgin (Jer.22:30; 31:22;  Mat.1:18-20)        
The MESSIAH would be Immanuel (Isa.7:14; Mat.1:21-23)        
The MESSIAH would be called by His Name before being born  (Isa.49:1; Luke 1:30-31) 
The MESSIAH would be born in Bethlehem  (Mic.5:2; Mat.2:1-2)   
The birth of the MESSIAH ( Isa.9:6; Luke 2:11)  
The MESSIAH would be broadcast by a star (Num.24:17; Mat.2:2)      
The MESSIAH would be brought out of Egypt   (Hos.11:1;  Mat.2:13-15)        
The male children would be slaughtered   (Jer.13:15;  Mat.2:16-18)        
The MESSIAH would be from Nazareth  (Isa.11:1; 42:1-4    Mat.2:23)    
The MESSIAH would be from a poor family     (Isa.11:1; 53:2; Luke 2:7)    
The MESSIAH would know of His Father from His youth    (Psalm 22:9;  Luke

The Forerunner of the MESSIAH

The forerunner of the MESSIAH would live in the wilderness  (Isa.40:3;  Mat.3:1-4)      
The forerunner would prepare people for the MESSIAH  (Isa.40:3;  Luke 1:17)  
A messenger would prepare the way for the MESSIAH (Mal. 3:1;   Mat.11:10)  
The MESSIAH'S forerunner would come in the spirit of Elijah (Mal.4:5;  Mat.3:1-2)   
The MESSIAH'S forerunner would turn many to righteousness (Mal. 4:6; Luke 1:16-17)

The Attributes of the MESSIAH

The MESSIAH would be a Prophet (Deut.18:15-19; John 6:14)   
The MESSIAH would be a Priest in the order of Melchisedec   (Psalm 110:4; Heb.6:17-20)    
The MESSIAH would be Priest and King (Zec.6:12-13; Heb.8:1)    
The MESSIAH would be a King  (Gen.49:10;   John 1:49)
The MESSIAH would be a King  (Num. 24:17; John 19:19) The MESSIAH would be a King (Psalm 2:6;  John 12:12-13)    
The MESSIAH would be the Wonderful Counselor  (Isa.9:6;    John 7:46)   
The MESSIAH would be the Prince of Peace (Isa.9:6; Col.1:20)     
The MESSIAH would be the focus of angels' worship  Deut.32:43  Luke 2:13-14       
The MESSIAH would be a witness   (Isa.55:4;  John 18:37)  The MESSIAH would be as a shepherd     (Isa.40:11; John 10:11) 
The MESSIAH would speak in parables (Psalm 78:2;  Mat.13:34-35)      
The MESSIAH would speak in parables   (Isa. 6:9-10;  Mat.13:13-15)      
The MESSIAH would speak with a message of grace   (Psalm 45:2;  Luke 4:22)
The MESSIAH'S words would be as a sharp sword   (Isa.49:2; Rev.2:12-16)        
The MESSIAH would speak words given Him by GOD   (Deut.18:15-19;  John 12:48-50)         
The MESSIAH would minister in Galilee (Isa.9:1-2;   Mat.4:12-17)        
The MESSIAH would shine as a light in darkness  (Isa.9:2;     John 1:9; 12:46)   
The MESSIAH would have the Spirit of GOD upon Him      (Isa.42:1;  Mat.3:16-17)        
The MESSIAH would have the Spirit of GOD upon him    (Isa.61:1-2;  Mat.3:16-17)        
The MESSIAH would have the Spirit of Wisdom (Isa.11:2;  Luke 2:40)  
The MESSIAH would have the Spirit of Understanding   (Isa.11:2; Luke 2:40)  
The MESSIAH would have the Spirit of Counsel  (Isa.11:2;      Mat.7:28-29)        
The MESSIAH would have the Spirit of Might (Isa.11:2;   Mat.8:27)    
The MESSIAH would have the Spirit of the Knowledge of GOD    (Isa.1:2; John 7:29)        
The MESSIAH would have the Spirit of the Fear of GOD     Isa.11:2l;  Heb. 5:7)     
The MESSIAH would have a quick understanding       (Isa.11:3       Luke 2:46-47       
The MESSIAH would place his trust in GOD   (Isa.50:8-10; John 11:7-10)       
The MESSIAH would be just (Zec.9:9;      John 5:30) 
The MESSIAH would not judge wrongly (Isa.11:3; John 7:24)   
The MESSIAH would judge the poor with righteousness       (Isa.11:4;  Mark 12:41-44)        
The MESSIAH would have compassion for the poor and needy  (Isa.42:3;  Mat.11:4-5)       
The MESSIAH would not fail (Isa.42:4;Heb.12:2-4; 1 Pet.2:22, 24)
The Gentiles would trust in the MESSIAH (Isa. 42:4;   Mat.12:15-21)      
The MESSIAH would act with righteousness   (Psalm 45:6-7;   John 5:30)   
The MESSIAH would be judge mankind  (Isa.49:2;   John 5:22-29)       
The MESSIAH would not draw attention to himself     Isa.42:2       Mat.12:15-21      
The MESSIAH would be humble  (Zec.9:9; Mat.11:29)
The MESSIAH would appear as an ordinary man  (Isa.53:2;  Phil.2:7-8)   
The MESSIAH would be the cornerstone  (Isa.28:16;  1 Pet.2:4-6) 
The MESSIAH would be the cornerstone (Zec.10:4;     Eph.2:20)    
The MESSIAH would be the Rock (2 Sam.23:2-4;  1 Cor.10:4) 
The MESSIAH would be as the light of the morning    (2 Sam.23:2-4;  Rev.22:16)  
The MESSIAH would say the Scriptures were of Him   (Psalm 40:6-8; Luke 24:44)      
The MESSIAH would give gifts to men   (Psalm 68:18;   Mat.10:1)    
The MESSIAH would have the key of David (Isa.22:22; Rev.3:7)    

Happenings During the MESSIAH'S Ministry         

The Spirit would rest on the MESSIAH  (Isa.11:2;  John 1:32-34)       
The MESSIAH would preach the Good News     (Isa.61:1-2;   Luke 4:17-21)       
The MESSIAH would declare He was the Son of GOD (Psalm 2:7;  John 9:35-37)       
Infants would praise the MESSIAH (Psalm 8:2; Mat.21:15-16)      
The MESSIAH would be greeted with joy in Jerusalem    (Zec.9:9;   Mat.21:8-10)   
The MESSIAH would be seen as King  (Zec.9:9; John 12:12-13)     
The MESSIAH would ride a donkey in Jerusalem  (Zec.9:9;       Mat.21:6-9) 
The MESSIAH would visit the Second Temple   (Hag.2:6-9;    Luke 2:27-32)       
The MESSIAH would appear at the Temple (Mal.3:1;    Mark 11:15-16)    
The MESSIAH would be angered by disrespect    (Psalm 69:9;   John 2:13-17)     
The MESSIAH would be ministered to by GOD (Isa.42:6;  John 8:29)   
The MESSIAH would ask GOD for His inheritance    (Psalm 2:8; John 17:4-24)  

Other Facts

The MESSIAH’s baptism fulfilled the ceremonial washing requirement of the Levitical priesthood even though He entered through the Melchisedekian priesthood. Oil is a symbol of the HOLY SPIRIT. This is why the SPIRIT anointed the MESSIAH after being ceremonially washed. This was CHRIST’S anointing.   
CHRIST was baptized and led into the wilderness just before His 30th birthday and then began His ministry at 30 years of age. This also fulfilled the age requirement of the Levitical priesthood (Num.4).  

The MESSIAH Would Perform Miracles         

The MESSIAH would heal the blind (Isa.35:5;  Mark 10:51-52)    
The MESSIAH would heal the deaf  (Isa.35:5;  Mark 7:32-35)      
The MESSIAH would heal the lame (Isa.35:6;  Mat.12:10-13)      
The MESSIAH would heal the dumb (Isa.35:6; Mat.9:32-33)        
The MESSIAH would heal the blind (Isa.42:7; Mat.9:27-30)        
The MESSIAH would have a healing ministry    (Isa.53:4;   Luke 6:17-19) 
The MESSIAH would have healing in His wings     (Mal.4:2;   Lk.8:42-48)


The MESSIAH would come to do GOD’S Will         

He was the one promised to come  (Psalm 40:7;  Mat.11:2-6) 
The MESSIAH would be called to GOD’S work from the womb   (Psalm 22:10;  Luke 1:30-33)         
The MESSIAH would be called to GOD’S work from the womb   (Isa.49:1;  Mat.1:20-21)         
The MESSIAH would be sent by GOD (Isa.48:16;     John 7:29)   
The MESSIAH would come to do GOD’S will    (Psalm 40:7-8;  John 5:30)   
The MESSIAH would please GOD  (Isa.42:1; Mat.3:16-17)        
The MESSIAH's work would glorify GOD (Isa.49:3;    Mat.15:30-31)      
The MESSIAH would not hide His mission from the flock   (Psalm 40:9-10; Luke 4:16-21)    
The MESSIAH would not be rebellious GOD’S will    (Isa.50:5; John 12:27) 
The MESSIAH would steadfastly set His Face toward His mission (Isa.50:7;  Luke 9:51-53)         
The MESSIAH would be GOD’S Servant  (Isa.42:1;     John 4:34)   
The MESSIAH would be GOD’S Servant  (Isa.49:3;     John 17:4)   
The MESSIAH would be GOD’S Servant  (Isa.49:5;    John 6:38)   
The MESSIAH would be GOD’S Servant  (Isa.49:6;    John 12:49-50)     
The MESSIAH would be GOD’S Servant (Isa.52:13; John 9:4)     
The MESSIAH would be GOD’S Servant (Isa.53:11; Rom.5:18-19)       
The MESSIAH would be GOD’S Servant (Mic.5:2; John 15:10) 
The MESSIAH would be GOD’S Servant (Zec.3:8; John 17:4)   
The MESSIAH would bear reproach, for GOD’S sake (Psalm 69:7;  Mat.26:65-67)      
The MESSIAH would bear reproach, for GOD’S sake Psalm 69:9 Rom.15:3   
It was GOD’S will that the MESSIAH would be the sin-bearer for all mankind (Isa.53:6; 1 John 4:10)  
It was GOD’S will that the MESSIAH would die for all mankind  (Isa.53:10; John 18:11) 
It was GOD’S will that the MESSIAH would die for all mankind   (Zec.13:7; John 18:11) 
GOD would be fully satisfied with the suffering of the MESSIAH   (Isa.53:11; John 12:27) 
The MESSIAH would receive guidance from GOD   (Isa.42:6; John 5:19-20)       
The MESSIAH would speak with knowledge given to Him from GOD   (Isa.50:4; John 12:49)
The MESSIAH would come in the Name of the LORD (Psalm 118:26; Mat.21:9; Mark 11:9)

The MESSIAH Would Come for All People         

The MESSIAH is first sent to Israel (Eze.3:4-6; Mat.10:5-6; 15:24; Rom.15:8) 
The MESSIAH would come for all nations (Gen.18:17-18;    Acts 3:24-26)       
The MESSIAH would come for all nations (Gen.22:18; Gal. 3:14)    
The MESSIAH would come for all people (Gen.28:14;   Gal.3:26-29)
The MESSIAH would come for all people (2 Sam.22:50;    Rom.15:8-9)      
The MESSIAH would come for all people (Psalm 18:49;   Eph.3:4-6)        
The MESSIAH would come for all people (Isa.11:10;  Acts 13:47-48)  
The MESSIAH would come for all people (Isa.49:1; 1 Tim.2:4-6)      
The MESSIAH would be a light to the Gentiles   (Isa.9:1-2;   Luke 2:28-32)       
The MESSIAH would be a light to the Gentiles   (Isa.42:6;   John 8:12)   
The MESSIAH would be a light to the Gentiles   (Isa.49:6;  Acts 13:47-48;     
The MESSIAH would provide justice to the Gentiles    (Isa.42:1; Mat.24:14)

The MESSIAH Would Come to Provide Salvation

The MESSIAH would be the messenger of the new covenant (Mal.3:1;   Luke 4:43)  
The MESSIAH would be the new covenant (Isa.42:6; Mat.26:28)  
The MESSIAH would be the new covenant (Jer.31:31; Mat.26:28)  
The MESSIAH would come to make an end to sins   (Dan.9:24; Gal.1:3-5)   
The MESSIAH would provide freedom from the bondage of sin and death (Isa.61:1-2;  John 8:31-32)       
The MESSIAH would proclaim a period of grace  (Isa.61:1-2;   John 5:24)   
The MESSIAH would die for the sins of the world (Isa.53:8;  1 John 2:2)  
The MESSIAH would die for the sins of the world    (Dan.9:26;   Heb.2:9)      
The MESSIAH would give His life to save mankind     (Isa.53:12; Luke 23:46)
The MESSIAH would be as a sacrificial lamb (Isa.53:7; John 1:29)   
The MESSIAH would be a (guilt) offering for sin  (Isa.53:10; Mat.20:28)  
The MESSIAH'S offering of Himself would replace all sacrifices (Psalm 40:6-8; Heb.10:10-13)     
The MESSIAH’S Blood would be shed to make an atonement for all (Isa.52:15; Rev.1:5)         
The MESSIAH would be the sin-bearer for all mankind         (Isa.53:6, 11-12;  Gal.1:4; Heb.9:28; 2 Cor.5:21) 
The MESSIAH would bear upon Himself the sins of the world (Isa.53:4;  1 Pet.2:24)  
The MESSIAH would bear the penalty for man's transgressions     (Isa.53:5;  Luke 23:33)
The MESSIAH's Sacrifice would provide peace between man and GOD   (Isa.53:5; Col.1:20) 
The MESSIAH would justify man before GOD (Isa.53:11;     Rom. 5:1, 8-9)      
The MESSIAH would be the intercessor between man and GOD    (Isa.59:15-16;  Mat.10:32-33)      
The MESSIAH would intercede to GOD on behalf of mankind (Isa.53:12;  Luke 23:34)
The MESSIAH'S atonement would enable believers to be His brethren     (Psalm 22:22;  Heb.2:10-12)        
The MESSIAH would come to provide salvation          (Isa.59:15-16;  John 6:40)   
The MESSIAH would bring salvation (Zec.9:9; Luke 19:10)
The MESSIAH would have a ministry to the poor flock        (Zec.11:7; Mat.9:35-36)       
The MESSIAH would offer salvation to all mankind  (Joel 2:32;  Rom.10:12-13)     
The MESSIAH would come to bring Israel back to GOD         (Isa.49:5; Mat.15:24)  
The MESSIAH would come to Zion as their Redeemer (Isa.59:20; Luke 2:38)  
The MESSIAH would judge those who refused to listen (Deut.18:15-19; John 12:48-50)    
The MESSIAH would reject those who did not believe in Him  (Psalm 2:12;  John 3:18, 36)     

The MESSIAH Would be Betrayed         

The MESSIAH'S betrayer would be a friend whom He broke bread with  (Psalm 41:9;  Mark 14:17-18)    
The MESSIAH would be betrayed for thirty pieces of silver  (Zec.11:12-13;   Mat.26:14-15)  
Thirty pieces of silver would be thrown into the house of the LORD  (Zec.11:12-13;   Jer.19:1-11; Mat.27:3-5, 8-10) 
The potter's field would be uninhabited     (Psalm 69:25;   Acts 1:16-20)    
The MESSIAH'S betrayer would have a short life (Psalm 109:8;   Acts 1:16-18)    
The MESSIAH'S betrayer would be replaced (Psalm 109:8;   Acts 1:20-26)

The MESSIAH Would be Abandoned         

The MESSIAH would be abandoned by the disciples   (Psalm 22:11;  Mark 14:50)
The MESSIAH'S disciples would fail Him in His time of need (Psalm 69:20;   Mark 14:33-41)     
Men would hide from being associated with the MESSIAH    (Isa.53:3; Mark 14:50-52)

The MESSIAH Would be Despised 

The MESSIAH would be despised   (Isa.49:7;  John 10:20) 
The MESSIAH would be despised    (Zec.11:8;      Mat.27:20)  
The MESSIAH would be despised (Isa.53:3; Luke 4:28-29)       
The MESSIAH would be hated by many without cause         (Psalm 69:4;  Luke 23:13-22)     
Political and religious leaders would conspire against the MESSIAH (Psalm 2:2; Mat.26:3-4) 
The MESSIAH would be despised    (Psalm 22:6;  Luke 23:21-23)   

The MESSIAH Would be Judged

The MESSIAH would be accused by false witnesses  (Psalm 109:2; John 18:29-30)    
The MESSIAH would be judged  (Isa.53:8; John 18:13-22)     
The MESSIAH would be silent before His accusers  (Isa.53:7;   Mat.27:12-14)      
The MESSIAH would be innocent, for He had done no violence  (Isa.53:9; Mark 15:3)  
The MESSIAH would have no deceit in His mouth (Isa.53:9;    John 18:38)

The MESSIAH Would be Rejected         

At the time of MESSIAH'S coming, Israel would have unfit leaders   (Zec.11:4-6; Mat.23:1-4) 
The MESSIAH'S brothers would not believe in Him     (Psalm 69:8; John 7:3-5) 
The MESSIAH would be the stone rejected by the Jews         (Psalm 118:22;  Mat.21:42-43)         
The Jews would have a hard heart against the MESSIAH      (Isa.6:9-10;   John 12:37-40)     
The MESSIAH would be a stumbling stone for the Jews        (Isa.8:14; Mat.21:43-44)      
The unbelief of Israel's leaders would force the MESSIAH to reject them  (Zec.11:8. Mat.23:33)         
The MESSIAH would stop ministering to those who rejected Him  (Zec.11:9; Mat.13:10-11) 
The MESSIAH would be distressed over the Jews unbelief    (Isa.49:4; Luke 19:41-42)     
The MESSIAH'S own people would not believe He was the CHRIST  (Isa.53:1; John 1:11; 12:37-38)     
The MESSIAH would be rejected (Zec.11:12-13; Mat.26:14-15)      
The MESSIAH would be rejected  (Isa.53:3;  Mat.27:21-23)      
The MESSIAH would be rejected by the Jews     (Isa.49:4; John 1:11;   5:43) 
The MESSIAH would be rejected by the Jews     (Psalm 69:8;  John 1:11;  Acts 7:51-52)
The MESSIAH would be rejected in favor of another king     (Zec.11:4-6;  John 19:13-15)     
The MESSIAH would be rejected     (Zec.11:10, 12-13;  Mat.26:14-15)      
The MESSIAH would be rejected by Gentiles      (Psalm 2:1;    Acts 4:25-28)       
The MESSIAH would be rejected   (Zec.12:10;  John 1:11)   
The MESSIAH'S rejection would cause GOD to remove His protection from Israel (Zec.11:4-6, 10-11;   Luke 19:41-44)      
Israel would be scattered as a result of rejecting the MESSIAH  (Zec.13:7; Mat. 26:31-56)  

The MESSIAH Would Suffer Greatly          

The MESSIAH would suffer as He reconciled men to GOD   (Gen.3:15; 1 Peter 3:18)         
The MESSIAH would have great sorrow and grief  (Isa.53:3;     Luke 19:41-42)     
The MESSIAH prayed without ceasing (Psalm 22:2;  Mat.26:38-39)      
The MESSIAH would be oppressed and afflicted         (Isa.53:7; Mat.27:27-31)      
The MESSIAH would be confined and persecuted        (Isa.53:8; Mat.26:47-27:31) 
The MESSIAH'S face would be beaten and spit upon (Isa.50:6; Mat.26:67)    
The MESSIAH'S Face would be disfigured from severe beatings  (Isa.52:14;  Mat.26:67-68)         
The MESSIAH'S back would be whipped  (Isa.50:6;    Mat.27:26)  
The MESSIAH’S head would be crowned (Psalm 22:12; Mat.27:29)

The Crucifixion of the MESSIAH         

The MESSIAH would provide Himself as a Lamb (Gen.22:8;     Rev.5:6)      
The MESSIAH would be sacrificed upon the same mountain where GOD tested Abraham  (Gen. 22:14; Luke 23:33)
The MESSIAH would die with the wicked (Isa.53:9; Mat.27:57-60)        
The MESSIAH would die with criminals  (Isa.53:12; Luke 23:32)
The MESSIAH would receive wounds in His Hands     (Zec.13:6; John 19:14-16)       
The MESSIAH'S Hands and Feet would be pierced (Psalm 22:16; Mat.27:38)
The MESSIAH would pray for His enemies (Psalm 109:4;   Luke 23:34)        
The MESSIAH would be offered gall and vinegar (Psalm 69:20-21;  Mat.27:34)  
The MESSIAH'S garments would be divided (Psalm 22:18;      John 19:23-24)    
Lots would be cast for the MESSIAH'S clothes (Psalm 22:18;   John 19:23-24)     
The MESSIAH would be surrounded by Gentiles at His crucifixion (Psalm 22:16; Luke 23:36)
The MESSIAH would be surrounded by Jews at his crucifixion (Psalm 22:16; Mat.27:41-43)     
The MESSIAH would be thought to be cursed by GOD  (Isa.53:4; Mat.27:41-43)      
The MESSIAH would be mocked by people shaking their heads  (Psalm 109:25; Mark 15:29-30)    
The MESSIAH would be mocked by people shaking their heads (Psalm 22:7; Mat.27:39) 
People would stare at the MESSIAH during His crucifixion    (Psalm 22:17;  Luke 23:35)
Mockers would say He trusted GOD, let Him deliver Him     (Psalm 22:8;  Mat.27:35)  
The MESSIAH would be crucified (Psalm 22:14; Mat.27:41-43) 
The MESSIAH would cry out to GOD (Psalm 22:1; Mat.27:46) 
The MESSIAH would be forsaken by GOD (Psalm 22:1; Mark 15:34)
The MESSIAH would be surrounded by evil enemies   (Psalm 22:12-13; Col.2:15)     
The MESSIAH would thirst (Psalm 22:15; Mk.15:28, 36;   John 19:28)  
The MESSIAH would thirst (Psalm 69:20-21; Mat.27:50;     John 19:28)        
The MESSIAH would thirst just before His death  (Psalm 22:15; John 19:29-30)     
The MESSIAH would be killed  (Isa.53:8; Mat.27:35)  
The MESSIAH would be killed  (Dan.9:26; Mat. 27:35;     Lk.24:46) 
The MESSIAH would die a violent death  (Psalm 22:16;    Zec.13:7; Mat. 27:35) 
None of the MESSIAH'S bones would be broken  (Psalm 34:20;  John 19:32-33)  
The MESSIAH'S body would be pierced   (Psalm 22:17;   Zec.12:10; John 19:34-37)     
The MESSIAH’S heart would burst, flowing with blood and water  (Psalm 22:14; John 19:34)         
MESSIAH would be buried in a rich man's grave         (Isa.53:9; Mat. 27:57

The Resurrection and Victory of the MESSIAH 

The MESSIAH'S body would not be subject to decay   (Psalm 16:8-10; Acts 13:35-37)     
The MESSIAH would be resurrected (Psalm 16:8-10;      Mat.28:6-7)
The MESSIAH would be resurrected and live forever   (Isa.53:10;  Rev.1:5, 18)
The MESSIAH would be resurrected by GOD   (Isa.55:3;       Acts 13:33-34)     
Others would rise to life at the resurrection of the MESSIAH (Isa. 26:19;  Mat.27:52)  
The MESSIAH would be GOD’S firstborn  (Psalm 89:27;    Rom.8:29;  Col.1:18) 
The MESSIAH would defeat death  (Isa.25:8;   1 Cor.15:54;   2 Tim.1:10)
The MESSIAH would defeat death (Hos.13:14; 1 Cor.15:55-57)    
The MESSIAH would defeat Satan (Gen.3:15; 1 John 3:8)  
The MESSIAH would be justified by His righteousness         (Isa.50:8;  1 Tim.3:16) 
The MESSIAH would ascend into Heaven (Psalm 68:18;   Luke 24:51)       
The MESSIAH would ascend into Heaven (Dan.7:13-14;    Acts 1:9-11)     
The MESSIAH would ascend and descend from Heaven        (Pro.30:4; John 3:13)   
The MESSIAH would be exalted in the Presence of GOD    (Psalm 16:11; Acts 2:25-33)      
The MESSIAH would be resurrected and crowned as King   (Psalm 2:7; Acts 13:30-33)       
The MESSIAH would be exalted by GOD with power (Psalm 2:9; 21:8-9; Mat.28:18)
The MESSIAH would be at the right Hand of GOD (Psalm 80:17; Acts 5:31)   
The MESSIAH would be at the right Hand of GOD (Psalm 110:1;  Mark 16:19)
The MESSIAH would be at the right Hand of GOD (Psalm 110:5; 1 Pet. 3:21-22)     
The MESSIAH'S throne would be everlasting (Psalm 89:3-4, 33, 37;  Luke 1:32-33) 
The MESSIAH'S throne would be everlasting  (Psalm 45:6; Luke 1:31-33)       
The MESSIAH'S dominion would be everlasting (Dan.7:13-14;  Luke 1:31-33) 
Because of His once for all Sacrifice, the MESSIAH would be greatly exalted by GOD  (Isa.53:12; Mat.28:18; Heb.10:10)
The MESSIAH would be highly exalted (Isa.52:13; Phil.2:9-11) 
The MESSIAH would be highly exalted (Dan.7:13-14;     Eph.1:20-22)  
The MESSIAH would prosper  (Isa.53:10; John 17:1-5)
The MESSIAH would receive authority over all (Psalm 2:8;    Mat.28:18; John 17:2)
The MESSIAH would be given authority over all things        (Psalm 8:6-9; Mat.28:18)        
The MESSIAH in His glorified state (Dan.10:5-6; Mat.17:2; Rev.1:13-16) 
The MESSIAH would become the Head Cornerstone  (Psalm 118:22-23; Mat.21:42-45)      
The MESSIAH would fulfill the feast of first-fruits  (Lev.23:10-14; Mat.27:52-53)                        

Messianic Psalms

Messianic Pslams speaking of Heaven and Hell . . Messianic Info About the Messiah . . Messianic Propheciec Fulfilled . . Messianic Psalms, 102 Prophecies Fulfilled . . Messianic Psalm Prophecies Fulfilled in NT . . Messianic Psalms Quoted in NT . . Messianic Scriptures . . Messianic Psalms Special Comments . . Messianic Psalm 2 . . Messianic Psalm 8 . . Messianic Psalm 16 . . Messianic Psalm 22 . . Messianic Psalm 40 . . Psalm 41 . . Messianic Psalm 45 . . Messianic Psalm 68 . . Messianic Psalm 69 . . Psalm 78 . . Psalm 89 . . Psalm 91 . . Psalm 102 . . Psalm 110 . . Psalm 118 . . Additional Psalms about Christ . . Psalm 23. . Psalm 97 . . Home Page


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