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Book of Revelation
Chapter 16
The Seven Bowls
of God’s Wrath, Revelation 16:1-14
A summerized and frightful description of the procedure in God’s
judgment on a rebellious and God-hating race follows. Evil and
wickedness has displayed itself in some of the most horrendous
sins imaginable! God has promised to judge and condemn ALL unsaved
evildoers. The time has come!
Rev. 16:1 And I heard a great voice out
of the temple saying to the seven angels, Go your ways, and pour
out the vials of the wrath of God upon the earth. (KJV) John
hears a mighty Voice shouting from the Temple to the seven angels,
"Go your ways and empty out the seven bowls of God's wrath
on the Earth."
Don’t ever forget that Jesus is in complete charge of ALL
that happens. He is in command from the beginning to the end of
this awesome Book. He shall march to victory! ALL power, majesty
and glory belong to Him! He will now send out the last 7 angels
to bring these last 7 “plagues” upon the
Earth. NO more intervals, NO more delays! God’s judgment
on a Christ rejecting world is here! The bowl judgments are God’s
final and complete judgments on the Earth’s inhabitants.
The end has come!
There are many similarities between the bowl judgments and the
trumpet judgments (Rev.8:6 through11:19), but there are 3
main differences:
- (1) these judgments are complete, whereas the
previous judgments are partial.
- (2) The trumpet judgments still gave unbelievers
the opportunity to repent, but the bowl judgments do not.
- (3) Mankind is indirectly affected by several
of the trumpet judgments but they are directly affected by ALL
the bowl judgments.
It may be hard for man (including some Christians),
to believe God will pour out His Holy wrath on a God-hating world,
and completely destroy the world as we know it; but my friend, that
is exactly what will take place in the Great Tribulation. Believe
what God states!
Rev. 16:2 And the first went, and poured
out his vial upon the earth; and there fell a noisome and grievous
sore upon the men which had the mark of the beast, and upon them
which worshipped his image. (KJV) The first angel left the
Temple and poured out his bowl over the earth. Horrible, malignant
sores broke out on everyone who had the mark of the beast and
who worshiped his statue.
When each angel’s turn comes to deliver his “bowl”
or vial (plague), he leaves Heaven and executes God’s judgment
by pouring out his particular bowl of wrath. The first angel seems
to engage in germ warfare. The 1st bowl is similar to the 6th
plague in Egypt (the boil, Ex.9:8-12). Moses prophesied that Israel
would indeed come in contact with such a plague as the 1st angel
carries (Deut,28:27,35). This prophecy has yet to be fulfilled.
If you notice; this plague besets only those
with Satan’s number. There is a similarity in the plagues
in Egypt. Israel was exempt from a total of 6 of the 10 plagues
(Ex.8:22; 9:4,11,26; 10:23; 11:7). God always watches out after
His own! God’s faithful ones have gone through a very trying
time; not being able to buy or sell in any way, but now all those
who had enjoyed all the priveleges of the mark will be judged
by God in these final plagues. NOT one shall escape! Everyone
who accepted the mark of the devil will be experience this plague!
God will NOT miss a one! So, just what is this plague? “Noisome”
means foul smelling, offensive, harmful to the health, noxious
or fatal. “Grievious” means excruciating,
agonizing, distressful, painful, etc. These ugly, malignant, destructive
sores will be rotton and incurable; worse than anything we can
ever imagine.
Rev. 16:3 And the second angel poured out
his vial upon the sea; and it became as the blood of a dead man:
and every living soul died in the sea. (KJV) The second angel
poured out his bowl upon the sea, and it became like the blood
of a corpse. Everything in the sea died.
This plague relates to the 2nd trumpet (Rev.8:8), where only
1/3 of the sea (salt water) became blood. But here in the 2nd
bowl, the total sea becomes as the blood of a dead man. Everything in the sea dies! I don’t know about you, but I sure am glad
I won’t be there!
Rev. 16:4-7 And the third angel poured out
his vial upon the rivers and fountains of waters; and they became
blood. [5] And I heard the angel of the waters say, Thou art righteous,
O Lord, which art, and wast, and shalt be, because thou hast judged
thus. [6] For they have shed the blood of saints and prophets,
and thou hast given them blood to drink; for they are worthy.
[7] And I heard another out of the altar say, Even so, Lord God
Almighty, true and righteous are thy judgments. (KJV) When
the third angel poured out his bowl on the rivers and springs,
they became as blood. John heard the angel who had authority over
all water saying, "You are just in sending this judgment,
O Holy One, who is and who always was. For Your holy people and
Your prophets have been killed, and their blood was poured out
on the Earth. Now You have given their murderers blood to drink.
It is their just reward." Then John heard a voice from the
altar saying, "Yes, Lord God Almighty, your punishments are
true and just."
The 2nd bowl judgment affects the salt water. The 3rd bowl judgment
affects fresh water. This 3rd bowl is similar to the 3rd trumpet
judgment (Rev.8:10). There only 1/3 of the water was turned to
blood. Here, it will be ALL rivers, springs and fountains of fresh
water. TOTAL water supply will be cut off! People CANNOT live
without water! The angel of the waters must be a particular angel
who is in charge of all the world’s water supply. We have
seen 4 angels in charge of the winds (Rev. 7:1), this angel controls
the water. Is the 3rd angel who has the 3rd bowl judgment the
angel of the waters? I’d want to say yes, it is. He adds
a brief comment, declaring God is absolutely right, holy and just
in bringing this judgment. There is a striling resemblance here.
This plague is a calamity! There is NO other water source anywhere!
This 3rd bowl paralells the 1st plague in Egypt (Ex.7:17-25).
“Another out of the altar" could mean another
angel, or it could refer back to the opening of the 5th seal (Rev.5:9-10),
to the martyred saints crying out “How long, O Lord”
before judgment? Too, it could actually be the altar itself speaking
in praise of God, who executes true and right judgments. What
is important here is, praising God!
Rev. 16:8-9 And the fourth angel poured
out his vial upon the sun; and power was given unto him to scorch
men with fire. [9] And men were scorched with great heat, and
blasphemed the name of God, which hath power over these plagues:
and they repented not to give him glory. (KJV) When the fourth
angel poured out his bowl on the sun, it caused it to scorch everyone
and everything with its fire. All were burned by this blast of
heat, and they cursed the Name of God, who sent all of these plagues.
They did not repent and give Him glory.
Jesus predicted signs in the sun during the Great Tribulation
Luke 21:25). Moses too, had something to say (Deut.32:24). Also
Isaiah the prophet (Isa.24:6; 42:25). Malachi also prophesied
about this plague (Mal.4:1). This 4th bowl will reveal heat from
the sun that will be unmerciful! Today people are so used to air
conditioning, they cannot tolerate heat above 80 degrees. With
shortages of energy due to rationing and God’s judgments,
there will be NO air conditioners! The sun will intensify its
heat and scorch the Earth and the people! God had offered chances
to repent but the people refused (Rev.9:20-21; 11:7; 14:6-7).
Instead of repenting, (saying God is right and you are wrong),
and turning away from their sin, these people will “blaspheme
the Name of God,” the ONLY One who has power over these
plagues. Yet even with the terrible things they will go through,
and with their knowing God is in control, they refuse to repent,
refuse to turn to God for mercy, but blaspheme God instead! Only
in Rev.11:13, after the earthquake in Jerusalem, do any of the
people ever give glory to God. This reveals the human heart is desperately wicked (Jer.17:9). The few who remain faithful
to God need not fear this plague (Ps.121:6).Terrible physical
pain and suffering follows the pouring out of the first 4 bowl
judgments. . . with more to come!
Rev. 16:10-11 And the fifth angel poured
out his vial upon the seat of the beast; and his kingdom was full
of darkness; and they gnawed their tongues for pain, [11] And
blasphemed the God of heaven because of their pains and their
sores, and repented not of their deeds. (KJV) When the fifth
angel poured out his bowl on the throne of the beast, his kingdom
was plunged into total darkness. His subjects chewed their tongues
in anguish, but they cursed the God of Heaven for their pains
and sores, and they refused to repent of their evil deeds.
The seat or throne of the first beast of chapter13th makes it
clear this is a man. But Antichrist is more than a man. He is
a kingdom. He’s a king in charge of the whole world! You
cannot have a kingdom without a king. This plague attacks the
very heart of the headquarters of Antichrist. So, what is this
5th plague? It is total darkness. Have you ever been in one of
those caverns where after you travel so far in a tram, they stop
and turn off the headlights? The darkness is unreal! There is
NOT a speck of light anywhere! You cannot see anything! The feeling
is awful! The Old Testament prophets also have something to say
about this plage of darkness (Isa.60:2; Joel 2:1-2,31; Amos 5:18;
Zeph.1:14; nah.1:8). Jesus also predicts it (Mark 13:24). The
suffering will be devastating, for this darkness carries with
it a supernatural terror that intensifies the agony of the already
suffering people. Apparently the darkness just aggrivates the
already excruciating pain and the results of judgment are magnified.
This 5th bowl judgment is similar to the 9th plague in Egypt (Ex.10:21-23).
Evil has reached the height of madness when a way out is offered
and it is completely rejected! Again, these wicked people will
NOT repent of any of their deeds. God offers mercy, and again
they reject Him, blame Him for their pain and sores, and again
they curse and blaspheme Him. Three times now, John tells us they
refuse to repent (Rev.9:20-21; 16:9,11). Repenting time is over
for them. Don't let repenting time be over for you!
Rev. 16:12 And the sixth angel poured out
his vial upon the great river Euphrates; and the water thereof
was dried up, that the way of the kings of the east might be prepared. (KJV) When the sixth angel poured out his bowl on the great
Euphrates River, it dried up so that the kings from the east could
march their armies across without any trouble at all.
The Euphrates River is a natural protective boundry against the
empires to the east (Babylon, Assyria, Persia, etc.) It is too
deep to ford, and too wide to go around. It is about 1800 miles
long, flowing from the mountains to the Persian Gulf. The Euphrates
has always been a natural boundry between Israel and the Roman
Empire. When the 6th bowl of God’s wrath is emptied, this
great river dries up, and is no longer a boundry or barrier; the
border between the east and west is gone, opening up the way for
the “kings of the east” to march to the battle
of Armageddon. If it dried up, nothing could hold back invading
armies. The armies from the east symbolize God’s unobstructed
judgment. These armies are God’s enemies. The great dragon
(Satan) will collect ALL his forces, making one last desperate
struggle before all is lost. The majority of the world’s
population is in the east, and have or want very little of the
true Gospel of Christ. They will choose to back Antichrist. With
hundreds of millions in this army, pouring into Palestine, the
blood will be as deep as the horse’s bridles (Rev.9:16;
Rev. 16:13-14 And I saw three unclean spirits
like frogs come out of the mouth of the dragon, and out of the
mouth of the beast, and out of the mouth of the false prophet.
[14] For they are the spirits of devils, working miracles, which
go forth unto the kings of the earth and of the whole world, to
gather them to the battle of that great day of God Almighty. (KJV) John saw three evil spirits that looked like frogs leap
from the mouth of the dragon, the beast, and the false prophet.
These so-called miracle-working demons caused all the rulers of
the world to gather for battle against the Lord on that great
judgment day of God Almighty.
There is always an interlude (break) between the 6th and 7th
features of each series of seven (chapter 7, seals; 10-11:14,
trumpets). This parenthetical information gives us more details
on the upcoming events. These two verses do that too. This is
Armageddon (Har-Magedon) by the waters of Meggido (Jud.5:19; Eze.38:8-21;
39:2,4,17; Zech.12:11). It is NOT just a single battle like a
lot of people think. This is a full blown WAR! It probably will
be trigered by Russia coming down from the north, in the middle
of the Great Tribulation (Eze.38 & 39). It will continue about
3 1/2 years, until the Second Coming of our Lord Jesus Christ
We are finally introduced to the ‘unholy trinity’
(trinity from Hell, in these verses: Satan, Antichrist and the
False Prophet. They work together to force the nations of the
world to go against Israel. EVERY nation in the world
will eventually go up against Israel (Zech.12:2-3). These
“unclean spirits” are demonic, sent forth
by the unholy trinity to attempt to abolish God from the Earth.
Satan hates God with a passion, and hates all that He stands for.
He will try to destroy all God’s plans and purposes. But,
let us remember that God made a Promise to Abraham and all those
who followed him, and God CANNOT lie (Titus 1:2). ALL
(everything) that God promised shall be fulfilled! Count on it! There are some churches today that say God is through with Israel.
Don’t you believe this! That is totally and absolutely
WRONG! None of God’s Promises to Israel have ever
been abolished or annulled! The Jews are still God’s people,
no matter what any so-called church or white supremacist group
thinks (Zech.2:8). God loves Israel!
The Seventh Bowl
of God’s Wrath
Revelation 16:15-21
Rev. 16:15 Behold, I come as a thief. Blessed
is he that watcheth, and keepeth his garments, lest he walk naked,
and they see his shame. (KJV) Beware! I will come as unexpectedly
as a thief! Blessed are all who are watching for me, who keep
their robes ready so they will not need to walk naked and ashamed.
In the midst of all that John is seeing, he now hears some Words
from our Lord, announcing His Coming, and pronouncing a blessing
on all who “watch” and are faithful to Him.
It seems that during all the awful judgments, there are a “few”
(Mat.7:13-14) who do turn to Jesus in submission and loyalty.
God is gracious, merciful and ready to receive and rescue any
and all who turn to Him, any time, any place! Christ will return
unexpectedly and unnannounced at the Rapture (1 Thes.5:1-6), so
we must be ready when He returns. Our Lord Jesus will NOT come
as a “thief” in the night to the TRUE church
(God’s children), for they will be ready and looking for
Him. But, the Lord Jesus will definitely come as an unexpected
“thief” to all the unbelievers in the world,
after the church is raptured. Prepare yourself by committing yourself
to God, living a life that is pleasing to Him, and standing firmly
against and resisting any and all temptation (Jam.4:7).
Rev. 16:16 And he gathered them together
into a place called in the Hebrew tongue Armageddon. (KJV)
All the nations armies gathered together to a place called Armageddon
in Hebrew.
The location where the battle of Armageddon will take place is
near the city of Meggido, southeast of the modern port of Haifa.
It is a strategic location near a prominent international highway
leading north from Egypt through Israel, along the coast, and
on to Babylon. Meggido overlooked the entire plain southward toward
Galilee and westward toward the mountaind of Gilboa. “He
gathered them together. “ WHO is HE? Is it God Himself!
Or is it Satan and his dynamic duo? If it is not God, it is God
authorizing Satan to do it! Sinful people will unite to fight
against God in a final display of rebellion. In today’s
times, many are already united against Christ and His people.
Be bold and persistent in your stand for Christ; as you battle
against sin and evil. Don’t give up, for you are fighting
on the winning side!
Rev. 16:17-18 And the seventh angel poured
out his vial into the air; and there came a great voice out of
the temple of heaven, from the throne, saying, It is done. [18]
And there were voices, and thunders, and lightnings; and there
was a great earthquake, such as was not since men were upon the
earth, so mighty an earthquake, and so great. (KJV) When
the seventh angel poured out his bowl into the air, a mighty shout
came from the throne of the Temple in Heaven, saying, "It
is finished!" The thunder crashed and rolled, and lightning
flashed. And there was an earthquake greater than ever before
in human history.
The 7th and last angel poured out the judgment from out of his
bowl. This verse says the “great voice” came
“from the throne” so it is God! God the Father?
God the Son? I think it is Christ. He states: “It is
done.” Just as Jesus cried out: “It
is finished” (John 19:30) when He completed
our salvation, so now He states that judgment has now been completed
(Rev.21:6). ANYONE can have a ‘finished’ redemption
just by accepting it; but if you refuse it, only judgment and
eternal Hell await.
“Into the air” means the atmosphere; no
specific location. Jesus controls all space, and He is getting
ready to come through it. “Voices, and thunders, and
lightnings” (Rev.6:12-17) means intense noise and global
disorder usher in the arrival of the end. “A great earthquake”
will be unequaled to anything this world has ever known! It shall
shake the entire Earth. People who have been
through earthquakes have seen nothing to match this one that shall
Rev. 16:19-21 And the great city was divided
into three parts, and the cities of the nations fell: and great
Babylon came in remembrance before God, to give unto her the cup
of the wine of the fierceness of his wrath. [20] And every island
fled away, and the mountains were not found. [21] And there fell
upon men a great hail out of heaven, every stone about the weight
of a talent: and men blasphemed God because of the plague of the
hail; for the plague thereof was exceeding great. (KJV) Jerusalem
was split into three pieces, and cities around the world fell
into heaps of rubble. God remembered all of Babylon's sins, and
he made her drink the cup that was filled with the wine of his
fierce wrath. Every island disappeared, and all mountains were
leveled. Then there was a terrible hailstorm, with hailstones
weighing almost 100 pounds fell from the sky onto the people below.
Again the people cursed God because of the hailstorm, which was
a horrible plague.
The “great city” is Jerusalem. This horrendous
earthquake upends and spilts the city into 3 parts. ALL the cities
of the world will fall. “Babylon” is specifically
mentioned again. In Rev.14:8, we are told she would fall. God
does NOT lie! She shall fall! The next two chapters will give
us the details about her collapse and death. The downfall of Babylon
was finished. The triumphant church in Heaven saw it and rejoiced;
and those faithful to Christ, in conflict on Earth saw it and
became triumphant. God remembered the great and wicked city; though
for some time it may have seemed as though He had forgotten her
idolatry and wickedness. All that seemed most secure was gone
by her ruin.
“Every island fled away, and the mountains were not
found.” This is a tremendous statement! Can
you even begin to imagine God’s power??? It is
far beyond my comprehension! EVERY island dissappears! ALL the
mountains move out of their place and come tumbling down! This
earthquake is world-wide, not in just one location. EVERY island,
ALL mountains are effected in the entire world! But, God’s
judgment is not over yet! Now, on top of all this, there is a
world-wide hail storm! Can you imagine a world-wide hail storm?
I was caught out in a hail storm once, with stones that were golf
ball size. They pounded me and my horse before I could get to
shelter. My husband’s horse had never bucked, ever! He bucked
that day. That storm was nothing compared to
hail stones weighing 100 pounds!
If you remember, there are 3 important features in chapters
15 & 16:
- God’s Holy righteousness.
- God’s Holy wrath.
- Man’s response.
So, what is man’s response to this
judgment? They have been blaspheming God in previous judgments,
and refusing to repent (Rev.9:20-21; 16:9-11). Well, they have NOT
changed their hearts and minds! Here they “blasphemed
God” again! Men and women blasphemed God! The most horrific
judgments that can befall them, will NOT bring these evil people
to repentance. They are so hardened against God by His righteous
judgments, that it is certain of their sure and everlasting destruction
(2 Thes.1:9). The people KNOW that these judgments come from God,
because they curse Him for sending them. Yet they still refuse to
recognize God’s authority and power, and refuse to repent
of their sins. Christians should not be surprised at the hostility
and hard hearts of unbelievers. Even when God’s power is fully
and completely revealed, many (MOST) will still refuse to repent.
Rejecting the Gospel is shutting your heart to God, and letting
yourself wide open for the “big lie” (2 Thes.2:11-12).
Every time you reject Jesus, your heart becomes a little harder.
Have you been ignoring God? Turn to Him (or back to Him) NOW before
your heart becomes too hard to repent. So many people are falling
for anything and everything that comes along. And, my friend, it
you stand for ‘nothing’ you will fall for anything!
Why not stand for Jesus? He will help you stand for what is right,
and keep you from giving in to false doctrines.
Book of Revelation
Ch.1. . Ch.2 . . Ch.3 . . Ch.4 . . Ch.5. . Ch.6 . . Ch.7 . . Ch.8 . . Ch.9 . . Ch.10 . . Ch.11 . . Ch.12 . . Ch.13 . . Ch.14 . . Ch.15 . . Ch.16 . . Ch.`17 . . Ch.18 . . Ch.19 . . Ch.20 . . Ch.21 . . Ch.22 . . Special Comments
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