Gospel of Luke Chapter 19
Theme: Jesus enters Jericho and the home of Zacchaeus; the conversion of Zacchaeus; parable of ten pounds; Jesus enters Jerusalem; Jesus weeps over the city; Jesus cleanses the temple
Jesus Enters Jericho and Home of Zacchaeus (Luke 19:1)
At the time of this incident, the Lord Jesus is on His way to Jerusalem to die on the cross. On His way, He goes through Jericho.
Luke 19:1 And Jesus entered and passed through Jericho. (KJV)
And Jesus entered, and passed through Jericho . . . after Jesus had healed the blind man He met near Jericho, he entered the city, but passed through it without stopping. Luke tells us that Jesus had been in Samaritan country. When He left Samaria, He headed toward Jerusalem. He seems to be off the beaten path . . . but is He? He goes to Jericho because there is a sinner there. In fact, there are two or three sinners in Jericho. The Lord is going after them. If you miss the movement here, you will miss the entire message of this Passage.
Jericho was the city that God had given into the hand of Joshua. A curse was placed on whoever would rebuild it. The man who rebuilt it in the days of Ahab reaped the curse in all its fullness.
Joshua 6:26 And Joshua adjured them at that time, saying, Cursed be the man before the LORD, that riseth up and buildeth this city Jericho: he shall lay the foundation thereof in his firstborn, and in his youngest son shall he set up the gates of it. (KJV) . . . To me, this is one of the most awesome prophecies in the Bible, apart from the prophecies of the Messiah. Read this! Now, read the following: 1 Kings 16:34 In his days did Hiel the Bethelite build Jericho: he laid the foundation thereof in Abiram his firstborn, and set up the gates thereof in his youngest son Segub, according to the word of the LORD, which he spake by Joshua the son of Nun. (KJV) . . . Jericho was destroyed in 1550 BC. People still lived there, but 5 ½ centuries later, during the reign of Ahab of Israel, Hiel the Bethelite, rebuilt Jericho as a fortress. It was at that time, that this amazing prophecy of Joshua was fulfilled to the letter! 5 ½ centuries after Joshua spoke the words! My dear friend, God’s Word is TRUE! Every word of it! Prophecies and their fulfillment prove this!
In Jesus' day, Jericho was like a resort area, the Las Vegas of that time. Many people spent their vacations there. Here is where the publicans lived. The publicans were tax gatherers and were utterly despised. We are told that Jesus "entered and passed through Jericho." My friend, He also entered and passed through this world. He did NOT come to Earth the first time to stay. He came to die! We enter this world to live, but Jesus' only purpose in coming to Earth was to die for the sins of the world, to pay OUR sin penalty! The tremendous movement in this Passage is mirrored in the fact that He entered and passed through Jericho. Do not miss that.
The Conversion of Zacchaeus (Luke 19:2-10)
Luke 19:2 And, behold, there was a man named Zacchaeus, which was the chief among the publicans, and he was rich. (KJV)
And behold there was a man named Zacchaeus . . . or Zaccai, a name in use among the Jews (Ezra 2:9). So that this man, as appears by his name, was a Jew, although some have thought him to have been a Gentile because of his job, there were Jews that were also publicans, such as Levi, or Matthew, which afterwards became one of Jesus’ disciples.
Which was chief among the publicans . . . the head of them in that place, to whom the rest brought the tax, tribute or toll, so that he was the receiver general of the tax: at the toll booths, at bridges, and for people's going over the water. What sort of tax Zacchaeus was concerned in collecting, is not certain; however, he was a main man in this employ, and had gotten great riches by it.
And he was rich . . . was a well-known person among the publicans, and of substance, which he had gained in his post. And although the instances of rich men being called by grace are very few, there have been some, and this circumstance is mentioned, because it had been said in the preceding chapter, how difficult, but not impossible, it was for rich men to enter into the Kingdom of God; as this instance proves.
Luke 19:3 And he sought to see Jesus who he was; and could not for the press, because he was little of stature. (KJV)
And he sought to see Jesus who he was . . . Zacchaeus had heard much about Jesus, and he wanted to see what He was like. What kind of a person was He, tall, short, how old was He? His curiosity got the best of him. He wanted to get a look at Him.
And could not for the press . . . the multitude of people that flocked around Jesus, made it impossible for Zacchaeus to see.
Because he was little of stature . . . Zacchaeus was little of stature, so he could not see Jesus for the crowd. It was not that Jesus was little of stature, and was hid among the crowd, but because Zacchaeus was little of stature, and could not see over their heads.
Luke 19:4 And he ran before, and climbed up into a sycomore tree to see him: for he was to pass that way. (KJV)
And he ran before . . . Zacchaeus ran ahead of the crowd so he could get a look.
And climbed up into a sycamore tree to see him . . . these trees were very common around Jericho. The tree was large and able to bear him, and high, from where Zacchaeus could have a full view of Jesus.
For he was to pass that way . . . the tree stood by the road side, in which Jesus came, for which reason Zacchaeus chose it, as fit for his purpose.
Luke 19:5 And when Jesus came to the place, he looked up, and saw him, and said unto him, Zacchaeus, make haste, and come down; for to day I must abide at thy house. (KJV)
And when Jesus came to the place . . . where the tree was, in which Zacchaeus was. Jesus knows where His people are! He knows where to find them! He knew Zacchaeus was in the sycamore tree, just as he saw Nathanael under the fig tree, before Philip called him (Jn.1:48). Jesus comes to the very place where His people are, either in person, as here; and so He came to Galilee, and to the sea there, and walked by it, and on the very spot, where He knew He would meet with Peter, and Andrew, and James, and John, whom He called to follow Him (Mat.4:18,21). He came to His own city Capernaum, and to the place of receipt of custom near unto it, where Matthew was, and called him, (Mat.9:1,9), and He came to Samaria, and to Jacob's well, where He knew the woman of Samaria would be at a certain time, in order to call her (Jn.4:6-29). Even though He does not come in person today, yet by His Word, and by His Spirit, He does come to people in this day and age. Jesus finds ALL those who seek after Him!
He looked up and saw him . . . Jesus saw Zacchaeus, and He knew him, as being one of those the Father had given to Him (Jn.10:29), and whom He had loved and accepted, and was come into the world to seek, and to save, and now, at this time, was come there to call Zacchaeus by His grace.
There was a great crowd both in front and behind Jesus, and all around Him; but Jesus looked up to Zacchaeus.
And he said unto him, Zacchaeus, make haste, and come down . . . Jesus knew him, and could call him by his name, just as he did Saul (Acts 9:4), when He called him, and revealed Himself to him. His name was written in the Lamb's book of life, and so IS known to Christ, who was present at preparing that book. He was one of the sheep the Father had given him, he came to lay down his life for, and of whom he had such perfect knowledge, as to call them by name, as He does all the chosen and redeemed ones. (Isa.43:1; Jn.10:3). It must have been very surprising for Zacchaeus to hear Jesus call him by his name, for he was an utter stranger to Jesus, and had never seen Him before. This reveals the awesome omniscience of Christ Jesus, as well as of the great humility and affection He has for His own.
For this day I must abide at thy house . . . for the sake of refreshment for Himself, and His apostles, and also for the good of Zacchaeus; to make known the great salvation to him, and to bestow His grace upon him, and speak with him in a spiritual way.
Luke 19:6 And he made haste, and came down, and received him joyfully. (KJV)
And he made haste . . . the words of Christ, immediately touched Zacchaeus’ heart, drawing his soul to Christ that he rushed to be with Him. This seems to indicate that souls are aware of their dangerous state and condition by nature, and fearful of coming ruin and destruction. Zacchaeus seemed to have had some notice of safety and happiness in Christ Jesus, and was filled with love to Him, and fled to Him for refuge, righteousness, peace, pardon, life and salvation.
And came down . . . from the tree he had climbed, never thinking that he would have Jesus a guest at his house, and to have such a familiar fellowship with Him. This seems to indicate that when a soul is called by Jesus, and made aware of their need for Him, they are willing to part with their carnal lusts and sinful companions, and come as sinners, humble and lowly before Him.
And received him joyfully . . . Zacchaeus not only received Jesus into his house, but into his heart and life. Jesus was a very welcome Guest to Zacchaeus, as He is to EVERY repentant sinner. Zacchaeus by faith, received the Saviour, as the Father's free gift (Rom.6:23; Eph.2;8), as the One and Only Saviour and Redeemer.
Luke 19:7 And when they saw it, they all murmured, saying, That he was gone to be guest with a man that is a sinner. (KJV)
And when they saw it, they all murmured . . . when the multitude saw it, they complained, as the Scribes and Pharisees did, at His eating with publicans and sinners (Lk.15:2).
Saying, that he was gone to be guest with a man that is a sinner . . . the multitude was very unhappy with this notorious sinner, one of the worst of sinners. Zacchaeus was a publican, and the chief of them. He had accumulated vast riches to himself by extortion and oppression. They did not think it agreed with the character of a Holy Man and a respected Prophet, which Christ held, to go into such a man's house, eat at his table; and have fellowship with him. (Mat.9:9-11).
Luke 19:8 And Zacchaeus stood, and said unto the Lord; Behold, Lord, the half of my goods I give to the poor; and if I have taken any thing from any man by false accusation, I restore him fourfold. (KJV)
And Zacchaeus stood . . . before Christ, in respect to Him, and in reverence of Him; and in the presence of others, to make a public confession before them, that they all might hear it, when they came to his house.
And said unto the Lord . . . Zacchaeus addressed himself to Jesus, and made his confession to Him. Zacchaeus directed his speech to Jesus, for now he was now convinced, that Jesus was the discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart, and who knew Zacchaeus was sincere about his repentance. Zacchaeus promised to do the following:
Behold, Lord, the half of my goods I give unto the poor . . . not to make satisfaction for the sins he had committed, but to admit his sins and his repentance for them. He was willing to do good with what he had gotten, which reveals the disposition of his mind was totally changed from a greedy oppressor, to a tender, kind benefactor. He seems to have been aware that he was a sinner. The Presence of Jesus can do this! His Presence and His Words convinced him of his guilt, and he stood and openly confessed his sins, and expressed his purpose to give half his ill-gotten property to the poor. This was not proclaiming his own righteousness, but was the proof of the sincerity of his repentance, and the confession which with the mouth is made unto salvation (Rom.10:10).
And if I have taken any thing from any man by false accusation . . . or by extorting anything from any man by any deception, or making an unjust demand on him, his office gave him the power of oppressing the people, and it seems that he did not deny that it had been done. (Lk.3:14). There are many ways in which this might have been done, but we do not know the exact manner.
I restore him fourfold . . . the same that was done in case of sheep stealing (Ex.22:1; 2 Sam.12:6). This was done by Zacchaeus, to show the truth and reality of his repentance. Judging from the crowd's reaction, Zacchaeus must have been a very crooked tax collector. BUT . . . after he met Jesus, he realized that he needed to repent. By giving to the poor and making restitution, with generous interest, to those he had cheated, Zacchaeus revealed the inner change (his heart) by outward action. I restore . . . this was the evidence of his penitence and change. This is always evidence of a man's conversion to God. A man who has hoarded ill-gotten riches, IF he becomes a Christian, will be willing to do good with it. A man who has injured others, who has cheated them or defrauded them, even by due forms of law, must, IF he becomes a Christian, must be willing, as far as possible, to make restoration. Four-fold . . . four times as much as had been unjustly taken. This was the amount that was required in the Jewish law when a sheep had been stolen, and a man was convicted of the theft by trial at law. If he confessed it himself, without being tried, he had only to restore what was stolen, and add to it a fifth part of its value (Num.5:6-7). The sincerity of Zaccheus' repentance was clear by his being willing to make restoration as great as if it had been proved against him.
Luke 19:9 And Jesus said unto him, This day is salvation come to this house, forsomuch as he also is a son of Abraham. (KJV)
And Jesus said unto him, This day is salvation come to this house . . . to the inhabitants of this house. Great salvation, by which may be meant, the Gospel, as in (Heb.2:3), so called, because it brings the account of salvation by Christ, which is not determined by the light of nature, nor made known by the law of Moses; because only the Gospel publishes and proclaims it. They have this day received the blessings of the Gospel, and become interested in the Messiah's Kingdom. Salvation begins when men sincerely receive Jesus into their heart, and their sins are pardoned; it is completed (finished) when the soul is sanctified and received up into Heaven. Jesus is the Author and Finisher of salvation (Heb.5:9; 12:2).
Forasmuch as he also is the son of Abraham . . . because Zaccheus has given evidence that he is a new man, and is ready to forsake his sins and receive the Gospel, he is the son of Abraham. Up till now, although a Jew, he had been a great sinner, and was not worthy to be called a son of Abraham. Now, by repentance, and by receiving the Christ whose day Abraham saw and was glad (Jn.8:56), he has shown himself to be worthy to be called his son. Abraham was an example of distinguished piety; the father of the faithful (Rom.4:11), as well as the ancestor of the Jews. They were called his sons who were descended from him, and especially those who were like him in faith (Gal.3:7,9). In this Passage, the son of Abraham is used in both senses.
Luke 19:10 For the Son of man is come to seek and to save that which was lost. (KJV)
For the son of man . . . meaning Himself, who was truly Man, and the Messiah, and which was one of His Names in the Old Testament. (Dan.7:13-14; Ps.8:4-5; Eze.1:26). Is come . . . from Heaven, into this world, being sent by the Father, and with the full consent and good will of His own.
To seek and save that which was lost . . . as were all his elect in Adam, and by their own actual transgressions; and are considered as lost, while in a state of sinfulness and unrepentance; especially the lost sheep of the house of Israel are meant (Mat.10:6;15:24), one of which Zacchaeus was. This was a reason of Jesus’ looking him up, and calling him by His grace, and applying salvation to him. (Mat.18:11).
Christ Jesus, who is the Son of Man, came into this world to save sinners, because they all were lost in Adam, and had destroyed themselves by their transgressions. God has great concern for lost sinners, that He sent His Son to obtain eternal salvation for them, when they were in a miserable and perishing condition; and Christ had so much love for them, as to come into this world, and endure the sorrows, sufferings and even death itself for them (Jn.15:13). He came SO willingly, to obtain righteousness (1 Cor.1:30) and life for them (Jn.3:15-16), and save them with an everlasting salvation (Isa.45:17; Gal 3:26-29). Great care should be taken NOT to despise, grieve, offend and injure God’s children in ANY way, shape or form (1 Cor.8:11,13; 10:33; 15:1-2).
The Conversion of Zaccheus (Luke 19:1-10)
Those who sincerely want to see Jesus, like Zaccheus, will break through any opposition, and take great pains to SEE Him. Jesus invited Himself to Zaccheus' house. Wherever Christ comes, He opens the heart, and readies it to receive Him. ANYONE who has a mind to KNOW Christ Jesus, shall be known of Him. BUT . . . those whom Christ calls, must humble themselves, and come down. We should receive Him joyfully, for He brings nothing but good with Him. There is a Gospel song, “He does me nothing but good.” OH! How true that is!
Zaccheus publicly gave proofs that he had become a true convert. He does not look to be justified by his works, as the Pharisee; but by his good works he will, through the grace of God, show how sincere his faith and repentance were. Zaccheus is declared to be a happy man. He hurriedly came down from the tree, and received Jesus joyfully.
He turned AWAY from sin and TO God. He is saved from his sins, from the guilt of them, and from the power of them. All the benefits of salvation are his. Christ is come to his house, and where Christ comes He brings salvation with Him. We are truly blessed my friend, for there in NO other method, NO other Plan of salvation anywhere else in the Universe.
John 14:6 Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me. (KJV)
Acts 4:12 Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved. (KJV) . . . BELIEVE IT!!!
Parable of Ten Pounds (Luke 19:11-28)
Luke 19:11 And as they heard these things, he added and spake a parable, because he was nigh to Jerusalem, and because they thought that the kingdom of God should immediately appear. (KJV)
And as they heard these things . . . what Zacchaeus said to Jesus, and what Jesus said to Zacchaeus, mainly that salvation, or the Saviour was then come to his house, and that He was come to save lost persons.
He added, and spake a parable . . . this parable in some respects, resembles the parable of the talents (Mat.25:14-30), but it is not the same. They differ in the following ways: That was spoken after he had entered Jerusalem; this, while on His way there. That was delivered on the Mount of Olives; this, in the house of Zaccheus. That was delivered to teach them the need of improving the talents committed to them; this was for a different reason. He was now nearing Jerusalem. A great multitude was with Him. His apostles considered Him to be the Messiah, but by this they thought He would be a temporal prince who would deliver them from the power of the Romans and set them free.
Because he was nigh to Jerusalem . . . about 10 miles away, from the capital of the country, and where they thought He would probably set up His Kingdom.
The kingdom of God should immediately appear . . . they thought the reign of the Messiah would immediately start when He got to Jerusalem. He spoke the parable to correct their incorrect belief.
Luke 19:12 He said therefore, A certain nobleman went into a far country to receive for himself a kingdom, and to return. (KJV)
He said therefore . . . the following parable, for the above reason.
A certain nobleman . . . the son of a great family, the son of noble descent, by whom is meant Christ Jesus. Jesus was of a noble birth; for He, as Man, descended from the kings of the house of Judah, and was the son of David; and from the Jewish fathers and ancestors of the greatest prominence, such as Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. He may be called a Man, because of His divine relationship to God the Father, as the Son of God. This famous Person,
Went into a far country . . . by which is meant, Heaven. Called a far country, not only because of its distance from the Earth, but in comparison of the Earth, as a place of pilgrimage, and because it is out of sight.
To receive for himself a kingdom . . . the "certain nobleman" represents the Lord Jesus Christ. He will receive the Kingdom from His Father . . . NOT from us. He is not asking anyone to vote for Him the next time He comes. People will either receive Him as King, or they will be destroyed. He came the first time as a Saviour. The next time He will come as King. Christ Jesus would leave the Earth and ascend to Heaven (Acts 1:9-11) before He would receive His Kingdom.
And to return . . . o destroy the Jews; the doing of which fully proved He had received His Kingdom. He would be vested with power and authority, and was declared Lord and Christ. At the end of the age, Jesus shall come to judge both quick and dead.
Luke 19:13 And he called his ten servants, and delivered them ten pounds, and said unto them, Occupy till I come. (KJV)
And he called his ten servants . . . WHO are these servants? By these servants the Lord Jesus means His disciples (those who profess to follow Him). Today, it it you and me!
And delivered them ten pounds . . . He wants to teach us that pounds are given us to be improved, for which we must give an account at His return. The pounds here mean the talents or gifts, which God has given to His servants on Earth to improve, and for which they must give an account on Judgment Day.
And said unto them, Occupy till I come . . . the word occupy here means not just to possess, as it often does in our language, but to improve, to use in business, for the purpose of increasing it or of making profit on it. Jesus’ command was to use this money so as to make a gain before His return. Jesus commands His apostles to improve their talents; making the most of them; to increase their talent or gift in doing good, and to do it until He comes to call us away, either by our death or when He calls us at the Rapture (1 Thes.4:13-18). ALL Jesus’ disciples are given some kind of talent or gift . . . we are to USE the talent God gives us in our service to Him (1 Cor.12:7; Eph.4:7), NOT hide it in the Earth (Mat.25:25), or wrap it in a napkin (verse 20). This states the certainty of Christ's Coming, the continuation of the Gospel ministry to that time, and that there are no time outs for Christ's disciples, but a nonstop cycle of labor and service, until then; when, for their encouragement, they shall receive their reward.
Jesus spoke this to His apostles. We have no apostles with us today, as some say. Apostles were those who were personally chosen by the Lord Jesus. Today we have disciples. We disciples are to carry on the work started by the apostles. (Mat.28:19-20). NO where in God’s Word does it tell us to take a vacation from our service to God and His people, and NO where does it tell us to retire at a certain age because of our lengthy hard work, or that we are tired. We work until He calls us out.
Luke 19:14 But his citizens hated him, and sent a message after him, saying, We will not have this man to reign over us. (KJV)
But his citizens hated him . . . NOT those who are fellow citizens with the saints, and are of the household of God (Eph.2:19), whose citizenship is in Heaven, and who are seeking the better country, that is an heavenly (Heb.11:16). These citizens that hated Him means the Jews, who were His own people and nation (Jn.1:11), among the Jews, He was born, to the Jews, He was sent and came, and He had an undisputable right to govern them. It was these citizens that hated Him, with a deadly hatred, proven by their criticizing Him in the most scornful manner, slandering and belittling His doctrine as false; attributing His miracles to a Satanic influence; and by persecuting His apostles and followers.
And sent a message after him . . . this seems to concern their outrage against the apostles of Christ, after His Ascension; when they not only mocked them, as on the day of Pentecost, but laid hold on them, casting them into prison, and persecuting them from place to place.
Saying, we will not have this man to reign over us . . . they refused to receive His Gospel, they refused to submit to His ordinances; but putting them away from them. This is how it is with every sinful soul. They stand in direct opposition to the Truths of Christ Jesus, and refuse His divine instruction, which they consider a yoke, which they do not care to take upon them. They never consider that His yoke is very light and easy (Mat.11:28-30), which they cast far away from them, wanting NO part of Him in any way, shape or form.
My dear friend, this is the SAME message the world has for the Lord Jesus Christ today! But, this will NOT keep God from sending His Son back to Earth. They Jews rebelled against God and His Messiah in Jesus’ time on Earth, and millions today are still rebelling against Jesus in our time today. They Jews did not want Jesus to rule over them; so they nailed Him to a cross. There are MANY who would gladly nail Him to a cross today because of their hatred of Him. So sad!
Luke 19:15 And it came to pass, that when he was returned, having received the kingdom, then he commanded these servants to be called unto him, to whom he had given the money, that he might know how much every man had gained by trading. (KJV)
And it came to pass that when he was returned . . . this return was either in power to Jerusalem, in the destruction of that city; OR which will be in Person to this Earth, at the end of the age (Zec.14:1-5; Rev.19:11-21). That shall be quite visible, and in great glory, attended with the holy angels, and with all the saints. The time is fixed and certain, although not known to us. It will not be until after the Rapture of the saints (1 Thes.4:13-18), and after the Great Tribulation period Mat.24:21,29), and after the Gospel has been spread all over the world, and the Jews are converted (Rev.7), and the fullness of the Gentiles brought in (Rom.11:12,25), and then will Christ come.
Having received the kingdom . . . not only having been set down at the right hand of God (Acts 2:33; 7:55-56; Rom.8:34; Col.3:1; Heb.10:12; 12:2; 1 Pet.3:22), and crowned with glory and honor (Heb.2:9; Ps.8:5), and received gifts for men (Ps.68:18), which He bestowed on them (Isa.63:7); and which proved Him to be the Lord and the Christ; all which was done at His Ascension (Acts 1:9). Christ Jesus shall return! BUT . . . while He is away, He has given you, and me, a pound. He has given every one of His servants an opportunity, and we are to be faithful to that which He has made us steward. Your pound may be an entire city, or just a handful of people, or just sweeping the sanctuary. Whatever it is that He has given to us, we are to be faithful while the Lord is away, because when He does return, He will reward us according to our faithfulness.
Then he commanded those servants to be called, to whom he had given the money . . . the servants are not only the ministers of the Gospel, but ALL God’s children, ALL Jesus’ TRUE disciples! None of us receive the exact same pound (talent, gift). But, we ALL must appear before the Judgment Seat of Christ; and give an account to Almighty God, the Judge of all; an account of how we used our gifts and talents, and our helping the souls under our care. For the Judgment Seat of Christ, see: http://www.hisservants.org/judgment_seat_h_s.htm
That he might know how much every man had gained by trading . . . Jesus, who is the omniscient God, the searcher of the heart, and a discerner of the thoughts and intents of it, knows full well the use that is made of every man's gift, and the benefits arising from it, for the good of souls.
Think about this:
•#1. The servants of God are NOT all given equal gifts and talents.
•#2. All servants, no matter their ability, must use their talents in promoting His praise and His honor, and also properly improve those talents.
• #3. By using their talents in a right way, they improve and strengthen them.
• #4. All servants shall be judged according to the improvements which they have made.
• #5. All sinners look on God as a hard Master, and as unreasonable and oppressive.
• #6. People will be judged not just for doing wrong, but also for not doing right when they should.
• #7. IF the servant who kept his talent whole and safe, and who returned it to his Master, just as he had received it, shall be judged, condemned and cast away . . . what do you think shall happen to those who abuse their talents, or destroy them by greed, drunkenness and lust, or squander the property that might be used in advancing the interests of moral souls?
Luke 19:16 Then came the first, saying, Lord, thy pound hath gained ten pounds. (KJV)
Then came the first . . . the first servants in the church, the apostles of Christ, and who had the greatest gifts, and labored harder and more, and were highly useful, such as the Apostle Paul.
Saying, Lord . . . accepting the sovereignty and dominion of Christ over them, admitting that they were accountable to Him, and that He had every right to ask what use they had made of their gifts, and what benefits these had produced.
Thy pound hath gained ten pounds . . . some servants truly did and do strive to serve God and His people. Some servants’ pound, had been increased tenfold. This servant owns, that the gifts he had were Christ's; he calls them, "thy pound", and did NOT glory in them as his own accomplishments. Each and everything we do should glorify GOD!
Luke 19:17 And he said unto him, Well, thou good servant: because thou hast been faithful in a very little, have thou authority over ten cities. (KJV)
And he said unto him, well, thou good servant . . . indicating that the servant had done well, and had proved himself to be an honest, diligent and hardworking servant; who, because of the grace of God, made him a good man, which made him a good servant of Christ. This servant made good use of the gift given to him, and freely spoke the good things of Christ and His Gospel, and he performed well.
Because thou hast been faithful in a very little . . . he had preached the pure (NOT corrupt) Gospel of Christ, and the whole of it, and wanted NOT to please men, but to please the Lord Jesus Christ only. What he had done was NOT for his own glory, it was for the glory of Christ. He withstood all the reproaches and persecutions (Mat.5:10-12), and was faithful to Christ.
BEWARE of false teachers who bring corrupt versions of doctrines. SEE:
Have thou authority over ten cities . . . I do not think this should be taken literally, as if the apostles should have the control over so many cities, or churches in so many cities. Consider, that by small faithfulness we are proved worthy of a much greater trust (2 Cor. 4:17). This could suggest the difference in the estate of the nobleman who departed and the King who returned. Luke 16:10 He that is faithful in that which is least is faithful also in much: and he that is unjust in the least is unjust also in much. (KJV) . . . Are you faithful in what God has given to you?
Luke 19:18 And the second came, saying, Lord, thy pound hath gained five pounds. (KJV)
And the second came . . . this servant, although less useful, was also very diligent and active.
Saying, Lord . . . he too, acknowledges the power and authority of Christ Jesus over him.
Thy pound hath gained five pounds . . . was increased fivefold, to the interest of Christ, and the good of immortal souls. The work of the servants of God is not all the same, for each person gifts differ, one from another, so all improvements are different, and their labor, although faithful, does not turn out the same way.
Luke 19:19 And he said likewise to him, Be thou also over five cities. (KJV)
And he said likewise to him . . . He commended him as a good and faithful servant, although this is not expressed; and adds,
Be thou also over five cities . . . I do NOT think this means there is any inequality or unfairness of glory for Christ's servants. I believe they ALL will shine as the stars for ever and ever. I cannot believe there shall be any inequality or unfairness in the ultimate state of happiness, when all the saints shall shine as the sun in the kingdom of their Father. ALL God’s TRUE children have an inheritance in Heaven! (Mat.25:19-23).
John 14:1-3 Let not your heart be troubled: ye believe in God, believe also in me. 2 In my Father's house are many mansions: if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you. 3 And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you unto myself; that where I am, there ye may be also. (KJV) . . . Believe Him!
1 Peter 1:3-5 Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, which according to his abundant mercy hath begotten us again unto a lively hope by the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead, 4 To an inheritance incorruptible, and undefiled, and that fadeth not away, reserved in heaven for you, 5 Who are kept by the power of God through faith unto salvation ready to be revealed in the last time. (KJV) . . . IF you are a TRUE child of God, you have a mansion with your name on it! And NO one can take it away from you. Once saved, always saved! http://www.hisservants.org/once_saved,_always_saved_h_s.htm
Luke 19:20 And another came, saying, Lord, behold, here is thy pound, which I have kept laid up in a napkin: (KJV)
And another came . . . another servant came forward at the accounting, who had a gift, but did not use it or improve it.
Saying, Lord . . . he too, owning the Lordship and dominion of Christ, as ALL will confess at the last day, including ALL those who want no part of Him today, and certainly do NOT call Him “Lord.” My dear friend, you will either own Him as Lord today, and go to Heaven . . . OR . . . you shall do it on Judgment Day and go to Hell!
Isaiah 45:23 I have sworn by myself, the word is gone out of my mouth in righteousness, and shall not return, That unto me every knee shall bow, every tongue shall swear. (KJV)
Romans 14:11 For it is written, As I live, saith the Lord, every knee shall bow to me, and every tongue shall confess to God. (KJV)
Philippians 2:10 That at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of things in heaven, and things in earth, and things under the earth; (KJV)
Behold, here is thy pound . . . he admits his gift was the Lord's, and that he had received it from him, and now, he returns it.
Which I have kept . . . he had kept that which was committed to him, he had not lost it, but it was not increased, or was of NO advantage to Christ, or to the souls of men. His talent was totally neglected by him.
Laid up in a napkin . . . a napkin is a linen cloth or towel. This man made no use of his money or pound, he wrapped up his money in the napkin and both lay useless. This man’s gift lay dormant and unused, which was given to him to profit those around him. In Mat.25:25, the servant hid talent in the earth!
Luke 19:21 For I feared thee, because thou art an austere man: thou takest up that thou layedst not down, and reapest that thou didst not sow. (KJV)
For I feared thee . . . not with a right fear, with a fear (reverence) of His goodness, who had bestowed such an excellent gift on him, for this would have taught him to have departed from evil, and do his master's will, and make use of his gift to His glory. This servant’s so-called fear was ill grounded, as appears by what follows.
Because thou art an austere man . . . he calls God cruel, severe and uncompassionate and hard to please. NOTHING is more false, since it is quite clear that Christ Jesus is extremely compassionate both to the bodies and souls of men; and is a merciful high priest, and is one that has compassion on the uninformed, and them that are out of the way, and is greatly touched by the feeling of His people's sickness and weakness; and is ever so mild natured and gentle in His manner, and in all that he does.
Thou takest up that thou layest not down, and reapest that thou didst not sow . . . this lazy servant suggests that his master was covetous of that which did not belong to him, and withheld what was due to his servants, and demanded service that could not be performed. This is a most sinful charge, since NO one else is as generous as He, giving gifts, grace and glory, freely; and imposing NO grievous commands on men. His yoke is easy, and His burden light (Mat.11:28-30); never sending a man to a warfare at his own power; but always giving grace and strength compared to the service he is called to, and rewarding his servants in a most bountiful manner, infinitely beyond their deserts. When God gives a person a job to do, He shall certainly equip that person to complete that job. I can verify that. This once worthless nobody is proof of that! Now, I am a child of the King! Thank You Jesus.
Luke 19:22 And he saith unto him, Out of thine own mouth will I judge thee, thou wicked servant. Thou knewest that I was an austere man, taking up that I laid not down, and reaping that I did not sow: (KJV)
And he saith unto him . . . the reply to his vile slander, and unrighteous charge.
Out of thine own mouth will I judge thee, thou wicked servant . . . out of thine own mouth, by your own statement, Jesus will judge wicked servants. We are not to suppose that God is unjust or severe; but what we are to learn from this is, that since people know that God will be just, and will call them to a strict account in the day of judgment, they should be prepared to meet Him, and they cannot complain if God should condemn them. Out of thine own mouth: (2 Sam.1:16, Job 15:6, Mat.12:37, 22:12, Rom.3:19).
Thou knewest that I was an austere man, taking up that I laid no down, and reaping that I did not sow . . . if you knew that this was my character, and knew that I would be rigid, firm, and even severe, it would have been wise for you to have made the best use of the money or talent in your power. But, since you knew my character beforehand, and was well acquainted with the fact that I would demand strict obedience with your obligation, you have no right to complain if you are condemned accordingly.
Luke 19:23 Wherefore then gavest not thou my money into the bank, that at my coming I might have required mine own with usury? (KJV)
Wherefore then gavest not thou my money into the bank . . . the treasury, or the place of exchange. Why did you not loan it out, that it might be increased? Wherefore: (Rom.2:4-5).
That at my coming I might have required mine own with usury? . . . not that Christ approves of moneylending in an unlawful way, by extortion, but here rebukes the laziness of this man, and exposes his folly and wickedness upon his own values. Had Christ Jesus been such a person as the wicked servant represents Him to be, he should have been more diligent, and made greater use of his gifts, since he knew that He would, in a rigid manner, as he suggests, demand an account of them.
Luke 19:24 And he said unto them that stood by, Take from him the pound, and give it to him that hath ten pounds. (KJV)
And he said unto them that stood by . . . although this should not be taken literally, as if any persons or angels will be employed in what follows, we can be sure justice shall be done, and that it can be expected.
Take from him the pound . . . this shows, that it was NOT any special grace, for that is a good part which shall never be taken away (Lk.10:42), but gifts or talents which may be taken away from men, or they from them.
And give it to him that hath ten pounds . . . this does not mean that the gifts of some men are taken from them and bestowed on others; but the meaning of the expression is to show, that to diligent and hardworking servants, there is an increase of gifts; their knowledge enlarges, and their light shines more and more to the perfect day. They become more useful; they appear brighter because of the laziness of others, or when compared with idle, negligent and useless servants.
Luke 19:25 (And they said unto him, Lord, he hath ten pounds.) (KJV)
And they said unto him . . . the bystanders, those standing around Him said.
Lord, he hath ten pounds . . . which they say either through envy, at his superior gifts and usefulness, or in surprise, as wondering at the conduct of Christ in giving more to such, who had so much already. Think about this, it is common for the most eminent and useful servants of Christ Jesus to be envied by others. We are NOT to be envious of another’s talent or gift or job the Lord has given to them. God chooses our talent or gift or money or job that is absolutely right for us. We may not be able to do the job of another person. My friend, God does NOT make mistakes. He is NEVER wrong! Trust Him, and always do your best for Him and His people. Use your pound or talent or gift wisely. You must give an account someday. You do not want to be ashamed before Him. 1 John 2:28 And now, little children, abide in him; that, when he shall appear, we may have confidence, and not be ashamed before him at his coming. (KJV)
Luke 19:26 For I say unto you, That unto every one which hath shall be given; and from him that hath not, even that he hath shall be taken away from him. (KJV)
For I say unto you . . . when Jesus says these words, you can be absolutely sure it is Truth and it is important.
That unto every one that hath, shall be given . . . greater and larger gifts, fitting (equipping) him for greater usefulness. Anyone that has gifts, and uses and increases them, become brighter and more useful. (Mat.25:29).
And from him that hath not, even that he hath shall be taken away from him . . . that is, that which he seems to have, or thought he had. Think about it . . . from him that really has nothing, nothing can be taken away. Luke 8:18 Take heed therefore how ye hear: for whosoever hath, to him shall be given; and whosoever hath not, from him shall be taken even that which he seemeth to have. (KJV) . . . Take heed therefore how ye hear . . . Mark 4:24 And he said unto them, Take heed what ye hear: with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you: and unto you that hear shall more be given. (KJV) . . . The one implies the other. This teaching is very important. Jesus tells the apostles they should NOT hear in a careless and casual manner, because the Truths and doctrines they now hear with the ear, are to be preached by them to others. They must be careful to listen and get it right. Us too!
For whosoever hath . . . meaning to have knowledge of the doctrines of the Gospel, and has gifts and abilities to preach them to others,
To him shall be given . . . more knowledge, and by using his gifts they shall be increased.
But he that hath not . . . if a person does NOT have true, solid, spiritual knowledge of divine things, even though he has had considerable advantages and opportunities of learning it, as the apostles especially had,
From him shall be taken, even that which he seemeth to have . . . (Mat.13:12) from him shall be taken away, even that he hath . . . (Mat.25:29; Mk.4:24-25; Lk. 8:18; 9:26; 19:24-26). I think this states it pretty well. From him shall be taken even that which he seemeth to have . . . EVERYTHING except the TRUE grace of God is a mere a show, a put on! If a person does not have Jesus in their heart and life, they have NOTHING that will last, and eventually, all that they have (or think they have), shall be taken away.
Luke 19:27 But those mine enemies, which would not that I should reign over them, bring hither, and slay them before me. (KJV)
But those mine enemies . . . meaning mainly the Jews, who were enemies to the Person of Christ. They hated and rejected Him, as the King Messiah; and they rebelled against Him, they would not submit to His government; and were enemies to His people, and were exceeding angry with them, persecuting them. And they rejected His Gospel, exceptional Truths of it, and His ordinances.
Which would not that I should reign over them . . . see verse 14.
Bring hither, and slay them before me . . . which was fulfilled in the destruction of Jerusalem, when multitudes of Jews were slain with the sword, both with their own, and with their enemies.
The Parable of the Nobleman and His Servants is similar that of the talents in Matthew 25. All those that are called to Christ, He equips with gifts needed for the job before them, and from those to whom He gives power and/or talents, He expects service. The manifestation of the Spirit is given to every man to profit withal (1 Cor.12:7). And anyone who has received the gift, must be good stewards (1 Pet.4:10). The account resembles that in the parable of the talents; and the punishment of the confirmed enemies of Christ, as well as of false professors, is shown.
The Slothful Servant Was:
- #1. Ungrateful
- #2. Wrong in his reasoning
- #3. Unjust
- #4. Fault-finding; accusing #5 Self-justifying
- #6 Fearful
- #7. Wicked
He was:
- #1. Rebuked
- #2. Judged by his own words
- #3. Judged for failure of trust
- #4. Stripped of his talent
- #5. Cut off and banished forever from his Master Also see: (Mat.13:42)
Luke 19:28 And when he had thus spoken, he went before, ascending up to Jerusalem. (KJV)
And when he had thus spoken . . . when Jesus had spoken the above parable, to remove the false ideas held by His apostles and the multitude following Him, concerning a temporal kingdom, and to give them the Truth of His Kingdom, and the situation of the Jewish nation.
He went before . . . Jesus walked ahead of His apostles in this journey; proceeding with assurance.
Ascending up to Jerusalem . . . through the lower lands of Judea, upwards toward the city of Jerusalem, which was built on higher ground; where He was to eat His last Passover, be humiliated and persecuted, suffer and die, in the place of His people. This reveals just how willing He was, wanting to finish the work of redemption that He came to do.
He continues on His way to Jerusalem, knowing full well what was ahead for Him. He would deliver Himself into the hands of His enemies . . . to pay a price for us that we could not pay. 2 Corinthians 5:21 For he hath made him to be sin for us, who knew no sin; that we might be made the righteousness of God in him. (KJV)
Jesus Enters Jerusalem (Luke 19:29-40)
The Gospels present a complex picture of the so-called triumphal entry. If we piece the Gospels together, the end result is quite clear, that being that Jesus entered Jerusalem three times, once a day on three separate days:
#1. First day . . . Saturday, the Sabbath. There were no money changers on that day, and He looked around and left. Mark 11:11 And Jesus entered into Jerusalem, and into the temple: and when he had looked round about upon all things, and now the eventide was come, he went out unto Bethany with the twelve. (KJV) . . . He entered as Priest.
#2. Second day . . . Sunday, the first day of week. The money changers were there and He cleansed the Temple. Matthew 21:12-13 And Jesus went into the temple of God, and cast out all them that sold and bought in the temple, and overthrew the tables of the moneychangers, and the seats of them that sold doves, 13 And said unto them, It is written, My house shall be called the house of prayer; but ye have made it a den of thieves. (KJV) Luke 19:45-46 And he went into the temple, and began to cast out them that sold therein, and them that bought; 46 Saying unto them, It is written, My house is the house of prayer: but ye have made it a den of thieves. (KJV) . . . He entered as King.
#3. Third day . . . Monday, the second day of week. He wept over Jerusalem and entered the temple and taught and healed. Luke 19:41-48 And when he was come near, he beheld the city, and wept over it, 42 Saying, If thou hadst known, even thou, at least in this thy day, the things which belong unto thy peace! but now they are hid from thine eyes. 43 For the days shall come upon thee, that thine enemies shall cast a trench about thee, and compass thee round, and keep thee in on every side, 44 And shall lay thee even with the ground, and thy children within thee; and they shall not leave in thee one stone upon another; because thou knewest not the time of thy visitation. . . . . . . . . . 47 And he taught daily in the temple. But the chief priests and the scribes and the chief of the people sought to destroy him, 48 And could not find what they might do: for all the people were very attentive to hear him. (KJV) . . . He entered as Prophet.
Luke 19:29 And it came to pass, when he was come nigh to Bethphage and Bethany, at the mount called the mount of Olives, he sent two of his disciples, (KJV)
And it came to pass when he was come nigh to Bethphage and Bethany . . . Matthew and Mark, add "unto Jerusalem" (Mat.21:1; Mk.11:1). Bethphage and Bethany . . . were two small places adjoining Mount Olivet and Jerusalem; so that when Jesus was there, He was nigh unto the city.
At the mount, called the Mount of Olives . . . which has its name from the great number of olive trees that grew there.
He sent two of his disciples . . . their names are not mentioned by any of the Gospel writers, it is not known for certain who they were, maybe Peter and John, who were afterwards sent by Him to prepare the Passover (Lk.22:8).
Luke 19:30 Saying, Go ye into the village over against you; in the which at your entering ye shall find a colt tied, whereon yet never man sat: loose him, and bring him hither. (KJV)
Saying, go ye into the village over against you . . .what village this was, is not said by any of the Gospel writers; maybe either Bethany or Nob. Since the village of Bethany was fifteen furlongs, or near two miles from Jerusalem (Jn.11:18), and therefore must have been passed by Christ; whereas the tract called Bethany, at the Mount of Olives where Christ now was, was but a Sabbath day's journey, or about a mile (Lk.24:50; Acts 1:12).
In the which at your entering ye shall find a colt tied . . . Matthew 21:2 says an ass and a colt with her; which agrees with the prophecy in (Zec.9:9), and which, no doubt, was fact; nor does Mark and Luke contradict it, although they do not express it. (Mat.21:2; Mk.11:2).
Whereon yet never man sat, loose him, and bring him hither . . . it seems that Jesus stayed at the above place, until the disciples went and brought the colt.
Luke 19:31 And if any man ask you, Why do ye loose him? thus shall ye say unto him, Because the Lord hath need of him. (KJV)
And if any man ask you, why do ye loose him? . . . since the Lord Jesus, being God omniscient, knew this question would be asked by the owners, He prepares His apostles with an answer.
Thus shall ye say unto him, because the Lord hath need of him . . . it is possible that the owners of the colt might have know the Lord Jesus, and by this way of speaking of him, knew, at once, who was meant, and so did not hesitate to send him, as Christ told them (Mat.21:3; Mk.11:3). Matthew says: Loose them, and bring them unto me . . . both the ass and colt.
Jesus IS God: http://www.godcannotlie.org/is_jesus_god.htm
Luke 19:32 And they that were sent went their way, and found even as he had said unto them. (KJV)
And they that were sent went their way . . . the two apostles were obedient to Jesus, and went, as He directed them.
And found, even as he had said unto them . . . the colt in the place, and the way which the Lord had described to them. (Mat.21:6; Mk.11:4).
Luke 19:33 And as they were loosing the colt, the owners thereof said unto them, Why loose ye the colt? (KJV)
And as they were loosing the colt . . . to bring it, as Christ commanded them.
The owners thereof said unto them, why loose ye the colt? . . . Mark takes notice of this, but does not tell us who they were, only that they were persons that stood there; but Luke informs us who they were: and it seems by this, that there were more than one owner of the colt, which might have made the taking away of the colt the more difficult, because although one might agree to it, another might not . . . but Christ Jesus, Who is God, and knows the hearts of all men, could easily unite the minds of these men to let the colt go with His apostles. (Mk.11:5).
Luke 19:34 And they said, The Lord hath need of him. (KJV)
And they said, the Lord hath need of him . . . they said what Christ directed them to say in verse 31. (Mat.21:6; Mk.11:6).
Luke 19:35 And they brought him to Jesus: and they cast their garments upon the colt, and they set Jesus thereon. (KJV)
And they brought him to Jesus . . . meaning the colt.
And they cast their garments upon the colt . . . the apostles, who brought the colt to Jesus, put their garments on its back. Jesus did not put His garment on the colt’s back.
And they set Jesus thereon . . . after the apostles put their garments on the colt’s back, they helped Jesus to get on the colt, in order to ride on him, as He did to Jerusalem.
Luke 19:36 And as he went, they spread their clothes in the way. (KJV)
And as he went . . . Jesus rode the colt on towards Jerusalem.
They spread their clothes in the way . . . Matthew says: Matthew 21:8 And a very great multitude spread their garments in the way; others cut down branches from the trees, and strawed them in the way. (KJV) . . . the multitude was still with Him, and they spread their garments in the way . . . others showed the same respect by throwing their garments before Him. This was the way in which conquerors and princes were often honored. To cast flowers, or garlands, or evergreens, before a warrior returning from victory, or a king entering into his kingdom, was a common way of testifying joyful and triumphant feeling. Some of this great multitude had followed Christ from Jericho, and many of the people were come up to the feast of the Passover from different towns, and met Him from Jerusalem (Jn.12:12-13).
Others cut down branches from the tree . . . John says that these branches were branches of the palm tree (Jn.12:13). The palm was an emblem of joy and victory. It was used by the Roman soldiers as well as the Jews, as a symbol of peace (Rev.7:9). The palm tree is common in warm climates, and was abundant in Palestine. The best ones grew around Jericho and Engeddi. Jericho was called the city of palm-trees (Deut.34:3; 2 Chron.28:15). Also see: (Mk.11:8).
Luke 19:37 And when he was come nigh, even now at the descent of the mount of Olives, the whole multitude of the disciples began to rejoice and praise God with a loud voice for all the mighty works that they had seen; (KJV)
And when he was come nigh . . . unto the city of Jerusalem, which was then in sight,
Even now at the descent of the Mount of Olives . . . they came to the foot of that mount, which lay east of Jerusalem, and was about five furlongs from it, or a little more than half a mile.
The whole multitude of the disciples . . . this speaks not only the twelve, but the large company of disciples that followed Jesus out of Galilee, and were joined by more in Judea. Some went before Him, and others behind Him. Some versions divide these words, and read, "the multitude, and the disciples"; meaning not only the apostles, but the whole multitude that were with Jesus.
Began to rejoice, and praise God, with a loud voice, for all the mighty works that they had seen . . . remembering the many miracles He had done in Galilee, Cana, Capernaum and other places, and now, as He passed through Judea, mainly around Jericho, where He had restored sight to two or three blind men; and especially the miracle He had done at Bethany, in raising Lazarus from the dead. From all this, they might conclude, that He must be the Messiah. They were filled with joy and delight, when remembering these things, and thankful to God, that He had raised up the glorious Saviour and Redeemer. They all lifted up their voices together, making the air ring with their shouts, and acclamations of praise to God.
Luke 19:38 Saying, Blessed be the King that cometh in the name of the Lord: peace in heaven, and glory in the highest. (KJV)
Saying, blessed be the King . . . the King Messiah, the King of Israel, the Son of David, the Christ of God. Matthew says: Blessed is he that cometh in the name of the Lord . . . meaning blessed be the Messiah. This passage is taken from Psalm 118:25-26. To come in the name of the Lord, is to come by the authority of the Lord; to come commissioned by Him and to reveal His will. The Jews had generally applied this to the Messiah. (Mat.21:9; Mk.11:9).
Peace in heaven . . . may all heavenly peace and prosperity attend the King! May peace be made with God in Heaven, by the Prince of Peace on Earth, for sinful men.
And glory in the highest . . . ALL glory should be given by ALL angels and ALL mankind to God for peace, life and salvation, that comes only by His ONE and ONLY Son (Ps.2:7; Jn.3:16-18; Mk.12:6; 1 Jn.4:9; 5:10-13).
Luke 19:39 And some of the Pharisees from among the multitude said unto him, Master, rebuke thy disciples. (KJV)
And some of the Pharisees from among the multitude . . . here are those nasty Pharisees again! They never stop harassing, watching and trying to trap Him.
Said unto him, master, rebuke thy disciples . . . the Pharisees were unable to bear such high honors bestowed on Jesus, and such open and public declarations of His being the Messiah. They would insinuate that it was blasphemy in the people to say what they did, and pride and vanity in Jesus to allow it. The result might be treason and tumult; therefore Jesus must speak out.
Luke 19:40 And he answered and said unto them, I tell you that, if these should hold their peace, the stones would immediately cry out. (KJV)
And he answered and said unto them . . . answered the Pharisees.
I tell you that, if these should hold their peace . . . if these people would be silent, and not sing their praises to God, and attribute glory to Him, and profess the Messiah, and make this public acknowledgment of Him,
The stones would immediately cry out . . . either against them, or to declare the Messiah. His words mean that it was impossible for it to be otherwise; for if the people there did not glory in God and His Messiah, God, who is able out of stones to raise up children to Abraham (Mat.3:9; Lk.3:8), who could make the stones speak, or turn stones into men, who then would rise up and praise the Lord, and confess the Messiah. Jesus is commending His apostles, and quietly reflecting upon the Pharisees, for their stupidity. He may be hinting at the conversion of the Gentiles, who might be compared to stones, especially in the opinion of the Jews.
Let us remember that the so-called triumphal entry had its end at the cross. BUT. . . my dear friend, Christ Jesus shall come the second time in triumph. Hebrews 9:28 So Christ was once offered to bear the sins of many; and unto them that look for him shall he appear the second time without sin unto salvation. (KJV) . . . The second time the Lord comes to this Earth, His feet will stand on the Mount of Olives! Zechariah 14:4 And his feet shall stand in that day upon the mount of Olives, which is before Jerusalem on the east, and the mount of Olives shall cleave in the midst thereof toward the east and toward the west, and there shall be a very great valley; and half of the mountain shall remove toward the north, and half of it toward the south. (KJV) . . . THEN the Lord Jesus shall enter Jerusalem. This speaks of His Second Coming, and that shall be His true Triumphal Entry! His first entry into Jerusalem took Him to the cross to die for our sins. That first entry was also triumphant! Jesus triumphed over the devil (Gen.3:15). And He triumphed over our sin. We all should be SO grateful to Him! We have VICTORY through what Jesus did on the cross for us! (1 Cor.15:50-58). By His death and resurrection, salvation is offered unto us.
Jesus Weeps Over the City (Luke 19:41-44)
Luke 19:41 And when he was come near, he beheld the city, and wept over it, (KJV)
And when he was come near, he beheld city . . . Jesus is now very near Jerusalem. He lifts up His Eyes, looking sadly at it. He sees the grandeur and magnificence of it, the number of the houses, and sees the stately buildings in it, knowing what calamities, in just a few years, would befall it. Jesus, being a Man, with deep feelings, was greatly affected by what He saw in the not too far off future.
And wept over it . . . He was touched with a tender concern for it, His natural passions moved, and tears fell from His Eyes. Since Christ Jesus was/is a Man, this proves His human nature. He did cry! (Jn.11:35). He was affected with the temporal ruin of Jerusalem, and was concerned for its temporal welfare.
Luke 19:42 Saying, If thou hadst known, even thou, at least in this thy day, the things which belong unto thy peace! but now they are hid from thine eyes. (KJV)
Saying, If thou hadst known, even thou . . . Jerusalem had been so long a flourishing city, the hub of the nation, the seat of the ancient kings of Judah; it was the city of the great God, the place of divine worship, but they despised the messages of the servants of God, mocked and misused the prophets in times past, beat one, killed another, and stoned another. The Jewish leaders had rejected their King (Lk.19:47). They had gone too far. They had refused God's offer of salvation in Christ Jesus when they were visited by God Himself, and soon their nation would suffer. God did NOT turn away from the Jewish people who obeyed Him, and He continues to offer salvation to the people He loves, both Jews and Gentiles. Eternal life in Heaven is within your reach. Only a fool refuses to accept this awesome Gift. If you do not know Jesus as your Saviour and Lord, open the door of your heart today (Rev.3:20).
At least in this thy day . . . the day of thy visitation, the last day they would have, although it is so late.
The things which belong unto thy peace . . . this does not mean peace with God, and the things belonging to that, which are not men's works of righteousness, nor tears of repentance, nor even faith itself I think this means the obedience, righteousness, the Blood, Sacrifice and death of Christ, for these things bring us unto God’s peace.
But now they are hid from thine eyes . . . the eyes of the Jews were given up to a judicial blindness, and hardness of heart. A spiritual slumber and stupidity had grabbed them. They could not discern the signs of the times and so refused to believe that Jesus was the Messiah. They had rejected Him as such. They refused to receive Him into their hearts and lives, and they did not believe in Him spiritually, to save their souls. SO many today, Jews and Gentiles, are in this same boat. BEWARE!!!
Luke 19:43 For the days shall come upon thee, that thine enemies shall cast a trench about thee, and compass thee round, and keep thee in on every side, (KJV)
For the days shall come upon thee . . . suddenly, very quickly, just as they did about forty years after this.
That thine enemies . . . the Romans, for enemies the Jews took them to be, and could easily understand who Jesus meant.
Shall cast a trench about thee, and compass thee round, and keep thee in on every side . . . this was not only confirmed when the Roman armies besieged them; but mainly in this, as Josephus states . . . that Titus built a wall about the city, of thirty nine furlongs long, and thirteen forts in it which reached ten furlongs, and all done in three days’ time, which means they were penned up, starved and reduced to unspeakable distress.
Luke 19:44 And shall lay thee even with the ground, and thy children within thee; and they shall not leave in thee one stone upon another; because thou knewest not the time of thy visitation. (KJV)
And shall lay thee even with the ground . . . they would demolish all the houses and the stately buildings, and even the Temple itself. (Mat.24:2).
And thy children within thee . . . meaning the inhabitants would be slain with the sword of the enemy, and fall to the ground, and lie there.
And they shall not leave in thee one stone upon anther . . . such a perfect and entire desolation shall be made, as was foretold by Daniel (Dan.9:27; Mic.3:12). (Mat.24:2; Mk.13:2).
Because thou knowest not the time of thy visitation . . . they did not know the time this would happen. BUT . . . it DID come to pass, and the fulfillment of this prophecy is recorded in history. In A.D. 70, Titus the Roman leveled Jerusalem and slaughtered the inhabitants without mercy. The Jews did not accept the true cause of their ruin, but ascribed it to other things.
Second Cleansing of the Temple (Luke 19:45-48)
(Mat.21:12-16; Mark 11:15-19)
Luke 19:45 And he went into the temple, and began to cast out them that sold therein, and them that bought; (KJV)
And he went into the temple . . . when Jesus came to Jerusalem, He got down from the colt He had been riding, and went directly up to and into the Temple, of which He was the Lord and Owner, and where He had some work to do in the few days He had yet to live.
And began to cast out them that sold therein, and them that bought . . . Jesus was furious at the actions of these people. This second cleansing of the Temple is also recorded in Mat.21:12-17.
Jesus’ first cleansing of the temple is recorded in John 2:14-17, as having taken place just after Jesus’ first miracle, the turning of water into wine at the wedding in Cana. These verses trace Jesus’ movement over a short period of time from Cana in Galilee to Capernaum and eventually to Jerusalem for the Passover. This is the first of two Temple cleansings done by Jesus, and it is not mentioned in the synoptic Gospels. The second cleansing of the temple occurred just after Jesus’ so-called triumphant entry into Jerusalem the last week of His life. This second cleansing is recorded in Matthew, Mark and Luke, but not in John. There are differences in the two events, as well as their being nearly three years apart. In the first cleansing, temple officials confronted Jesus immediately (Jn.2:18), while in the second cleansing, the chief priests and scribes confronted Him the following day (Mat.21:17-23). In the first event, which I love, Jesus made a whip of cords to drive out the greedy sellers, I can “see” in my mind, the Lord Jesus using that whip in His righteous anger, on those greedy sellers; but there is no mention of a whip in the second cleansing.
So there are two recorded occasions when Jesus cleansed the Temple . . . the first time at the beginning of His public ministry, and the second time just after His triumphal entry into Jerusalem, very soon before He was crucified.
Luke 19:46 Saying unto them, It is written, My house is the house of prayer: but ye have made it a den of thieves. (KJV)
Saying unto them, It is written . . . Isaiah 56:7 Even them will I bring to my holy mountain, and make them joyful in my house of prayer: their burnt offerings and their sacrifices shall be accepted upon mine altar; for mine house shall be called an house of prayer for all people. (KJV)
My house is the house of prayer . . . built and set aside, or reserved, for that service only.
But ye have made it a den of thieves . . . this clause is not written in Isaiah’s prophecy, but are the words of Christ refer to yet another prophecy. Jeremiah 7:11 Is this house, which is called by my name, become a den of robbers in your eyes? Behold, even I have seen it, saith the LORD. (KJV) . . . See: (Mat.21:13; Mk.11:17).
Luke 19:47 And he taught daily in the temple. But the chief priests and the scribes and the chief of the people sought to destroy him, (KJV)
And he taught daily in the temple . . . every day until the Passover came, and only in the day, for at night he went out of the city to Bethany, or to the Mount of Olives.
But the chief priests, and the Scribes, and the chief of the people . . . the ruling elders of the people, or the whole Sanhedrim,
Sought to destroy him . . . they met and discussed how to get Jesus into their hands, and what charges they could bring against him, in order to put Him to death.
Luke 19:48 And could not find what they might do: for all the people were very attentive to hear him. (KJV)
And could not find what they might do . . . they could not find any opportunity to seize Him, nor take any advantage against Him. They did not know what to do, to bring about their wicked plan to destroy Him.
For all the people were very attentive to hear him . . . there were always great crowds around Him. They hung on His every word, hearing Him with great eagerness, ready to catch every word that came from His Lips. They were completely over taken with Him, for they had never heard any man speak like He did. The multitudes of common people held an extremely high opinion of Jesus, and He had a great affection for the people. The Sanhedrim was at a loss as to what to do to fulfill their dastardly and deceitful plan. They feared the people, and should they seize Jesus publicly, they feared they would rise up and rescue Him, causing an uproar and disturbance.
The Lord Jesus uses some very strong language as He cleans up the Temple for the second time. This action of Jesus officially closes His ministry to the nation of Israel.
Gospel of Luke
ch.1 . . ch.2 . . ch.3 . . ch.4 . . ch.5 . . ch.6 . . ch.7 . . ch.8 . . ch.9 . . ch.10 . . ch.11 . . ch.12 . . ch.13 . .ch.13 . . ch.14 . . ch.15 . . ch.16 . . ch.17 . . ch.18 . . ch.19 . .ch.20 . . ch.21 . . ch.22 . . ch.23 . . ch.24
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